Chapter 6

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Stan's POV
"She's my daughter" I just confessed to Bill. I was dying inside. Would he leave? Does he think I'm a slut? I don't wanna lose him.
"O-oh, really?" Bill stuttered out
"Yeah, and I understand if you don't want to be friends with me or whatever I get it, it's too much" I rambled
Bill came to me and took one of my hands in his.
"Stan, I really really like you, and you having a kid won't change that. I can already tell you're an amazing father. I can tell she's the light of your life, but know that I'm not going anywhere, you're too perfect"
I felt tears well up in my eyes and I smiled softly.
"I really like you too"
  We looked at each other for a moment and began slowly leaning in. Our lips touched softly. Bill put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. The kiss was soft, and gentle. There was no rush and it felt like we were the only two on earth in this moment. When we pulled away, we smiled at each other.
"So, tell me about her" Bill said sitting back down on the couch. I smiled and sat next to him.
"Her name is Elena, she's 3, she's really smart for her age, and she's just adorable. Her mom left about 2 weeks after she was born to focus on her career or some shit like that. It happened after a one night stand at a party. I was so confused when I woke up next to her because I'm gay, but it gave me Elena so I don't regret it."
"Well, sucks for her mothers she's really missing out" Bill said
"I know"
"How do you manage to take care of her and go to school?"
"I leave her with my parents during the day, go to class and come back. My parents are very supportive of me because they had me at a young age and they know the struggle so they help me as much as they can. They even help pay for half of this apartment, which is why I don't have to work as hard. I don't know what I would do without them."
"Sounds like they really love you"
"Yeah, they do. I'm their only kid, so I always got all of their love"
Bill smiled and so did I.
"You are just so amazing" he said and I blushed and looked down. He put his finger under my chin and made me look at him again.
"Don't hide those pretty eyes from me. I really like you and I hope you'll let me be apart of your life"
"I will. But I don't want you to meet Elena just yet. I want to explain it to her first"
"Take all the time you need" he kissed my cheek and began to put his stuff away. "I need to get home, but I'll see you tomorrow"
We both stood up.
"I actually have to go pick up Elena now so I'll walk down with you" I grabbed my keys my phone and my jacket.
We went to the Elevator and we left the building. Before we parted ways, Bill grabbed my waist again and connected our lips again.
"Bye" he said
"Bye" I said
He smiled and walked away. I grinned and got in my car and drove to my parents house.


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