Chapter 9

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Stan's POV
  Today is the day that my daughter meets my boyfriend(?). We never really talked about our relationship in that aspect. We just knew we wanted to be with each other. I told Bill that he would meet us downstairs from my apartment and we could all go to an ice cream shop Elena is in love with. We were meeting at 2:30 and it's 2:20 right now and I was struggling to get Elena's shoes on.
"Elena stop moving your feet I have to get your shoes on" I said
"But I'm esited" she cant say the word excited correctly so instead of pronouncing the x she says it as an s sound. "We getting ice cream"
"I know, but we can't go unless you stop moving your tiny feet so I can put on your shoes"
Her feet stopped and I slid on and tied her shoes. I stood up and grabbed my phone and checked and saw that Bill texted that he was downstairs. I texted back a reply. I got a small sweater for Elena to put on and I put one on as well and I grabbed my keys and we left.
When we got downstairs I saw Bill standing in the lobby on his phone.
"Hey" I said while gripping Elena's hand.
"Hi" he said to me and he looked down at Elena. He crouched down so he was at her height.
"And what's your name?" He asked her
"Elena and I'm 3" she responded
"My name is Bill and I am way older than 3" he said and Elena laughed and so did he.
"You have dimples like me and daddy" she pointed out
"I know" he said while smiling and he stood back up and kissed my cheek quickly.
"Ready to go?" I asked directed to both of them
"Yeah" Bill said
We left the building and as we were walking, I saw Elena grab Bills hand while we were walking and I saw him grin. When we got to the ice cream place, we looked up at the menu to see what we wanted.
"I just want Vanilla" Bill said
"I like Vanilla ice cream too" Elena exclaimed and he smiled down at her. I love how those two interact, it's so adorable. When it was our turn to order, I told Bill to go find a seat with Elena and I'll bring over our stuff. I ordered two Vanilla cones and one chocolate chip cone for me. While I was waiting I glanced to my left and I see someone I thought I would never see again.
My eyes widened and she turned and saw me too and she looked liked she seen a ghost and she immediately left in a hurry. I turned my head back to the counter where the worker was trying to get my attention. I grabbed the frozen treats and walked to find Bill and Elena. I found them at a booth and Elena was sitting on Bills lap coloring on one of the place mats they had for kids at restaurants. Bill looked up at me.
"He you ok?" He asked
I smiled tightly and nodded.
"Yep I'm great"
                              Time Skip
I asked Bill if he wanted to stay over since tomorrow was Sunday and he said yes. It was evening time now, at around 9:30 and Elena goes to bed at 8:00 so she's fast asleep. We were in my room watching TV and I was distracted and I wasn't saying much. Bill must've noticed because he spoke up.
"What's wrong love?" He asked turning to me and putting the TV on mute.
I leaned my head against the headboard of my bed and I closed my eyes and felt a tear fall out of one eye.
"At the ice cream place while I was waiting for our stuff, I saw Patty. I told him
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Did she say anything to you?" He asked and I shook my head.
"She saw me and then she rushed out"
He grabbed my hand in his.
"And so many emotions just came rushing back because of what she did to Elena and it makes me so sad and angry at the same time"
He pulled me into his chest and put his chin on top of my head while rubbing my back.
"You're gonna be ok. Patty's just a bitch and if she doesn't want to put in the effort, then that's her loss" he said to me. I moved from his chest and looked at him.
"You're so sweet" I leaned in and kissed him softly.
"Anything for you my love" he said and I smiled and blushed.
"What are we?" I blurted out
"Well if it wasn't obvious enough, I would love to be your boyfriend" he said
I grinned and I nodded. "I would love that too"
Just then I heard tiny footsteps walking towards my room.
"Daddy?" I heard Elena say. I looked over at my bedroom door and saw her standing there clutching her favorited stuffed bear. I got up and walked over to her and picked her up.
"What's the matter, did you have a nightmare?" I asked her and she nodded in the crook of my neck.
"Do you wanna stay in here with us?"
She nodded again and I walked us over to the bed and I laid her in the middle of us and she fell right back asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.
"Sorry she gets scared a lot when it's nighttime" I said to Bill softly.
"Don't worry about it my little brother was the same way"
I smile and kissed his forehead.
We both laid down and fell asleep.


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