Chapter 12

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Stan's POV
It's been about two months since I've met Bill and everything is going great. Him and Elena are so close and I'm so relieved. I still have some fear that he realizes that I have a kid and it's a lot of work and he can't deal with it, but it wasn't as bad as before. Christmas is coming up soon and I have to go buy Elena's presents. Elena turned four about a week ago on the 15th. We didn't do anything big, everyone just came over and we had cake and we just had a good time. She's growing up so fast and I don't want her to. Bill came along with me with buying the gifts. When we purchase them, I will drop them off at my parents house since Elena will be with me all throughout break so she wouldn't find them and my parents would wrap them for me. We were standing in line to pay for everything we got.
"I'm going back home soon to my family" Bill told me.
"In about two days, the day before Christmas Eve"
"Aw, well I'll miss you" I said and he smiled and kissed my nose
"I'll miss you too baby"
It was our turn to pay for our things and when we finished, we drove to my parents house. Halfway there, I just realized that Bill may be meeting my parents for the time.
"Oh my lord, Bill you're meeting my parents!" I exclaimed
"Is that a problem?" He asked
"No, I just wasn't prepared for it is all"
"I hope they like me"
"Me too"
We finally arrived and I got out and opened the trunk and took out the bags. Just then Bill came up and took the bags from me to hold them himself. I smiled softly and we walked up to the front door. Since I already have a key (even though sometimes I forget) I pulled it out and I opened the front door to let us in.
"Mom, Dad?" I called out and I saw my dad sitting on his chair with a newspaper. He saw us and closed the newspaper and set it down and stood up and walked over to us.
"Stanley, hi, whose this?" He asked
"This is Bill, my boyfriend" I answered
Bill set the bags down and stuck his hand out.
"Nice to meet you" Bill said to my father
My dad took Bills hand in his and shook it.
"You too" my dad responded.
"Oh, we brought the presents" I said before my dad interrogated him. Ever since I told my dad I was gay, he was supportive but he wanted to make sure that the guy I ended up with was worthy of marrying me or whatever. My mom walked into the room and she saw Bill there and she smiled.
"You must be Bill" she said and he nodded. My mom walked up and hugged him which I saw startled Bill a little.
"Let's put these bags away" she said once she pulled away. I went to go help her and I gave Bill a look that said 'don't fuck it up'.
Bills POV
I was standing awkwardly with Stan's dad and I was so nervous.
"So, where did you and Stan meet?" He asked me
"Uh, in one of our classes"
"How long do you plan on sticking around?"
"As long as Stan will let me" I replied
"Did you already meet Elena?"
"Yes I did and she is wonderful and we get along really well" I answered easily
"My son has been hurt a lot in his life, I'll be damned if it happens again" his eyes looked like they were piercing into my soul.
"I have no plan to leave Stan and Elena no time soon. I would never do anything like that to him ever. I plan on making him my husband someday and I love Elena, so no, I'm not going to hurt him"
He seemed pleased with my answer and he nodded. Stan and his mom walked back to the room.
"We have to go, we left Elena with Richie and Eddie and you know how Richie can be" Stan said
"Ok, hopefully we'll see Bill again soon?" My mom said
"You will"
We said goodbye to both of them and we left to the car.
"How was the talk with my dad?" Stan asked me


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