Chapter 2

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Stan's POV
  I got to the school, which was a close college which was only 30 minutes away. I walked in and I saw one of my friends.
"Hey Mikey" I said. He turned around and smiled at me. Mike and I are really great friends. When we first came to this school, we drunkly slept together. We thought it would ruin everything, but we talked it out and nothing was awkward. He's even seeing this new boy, I forgot his name, but I met him once and he's very nice. "Hey Stanny" he hugged me tightly. I didn't see him much over the summer, so I missed him. "Have you seen Eddie yet?" I asked once we pulled away "No, he said he was going to drive with Richie to his school before coming here"
"Hopefully he isn't late" I heard my name being called and fiery red hair coming towards me. "Hey Bev" I said hugging her. "Eddie should be here in a bit, we just got back from dropping Ben and Richie off" she said pulling away. I looked behind her and saw Eddie walking up to us with a sad look on his face.
"Aw cheer up Eddie, he isn't even that far away" Mike said
"Fuck off" Eddie snapped
We just sighed and we went to go set up our classes. (a/n idk how college works bare with me)
Time Skip
I walked into my second morning class, which was business writing. I sat in one of the back rows, leaving space between me and another boy who was drawing in a notebook. He looked at me and smiled softly and I smiled back. The professor walked in and began talking to us. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I saw it was the boy who was drawing.
"Can I borrow a charger? I really don't want my phone to die" He asked
"Uh, yeah sure" I opened my bag and pulled out my charger and gave it to him.
"Thanks" he said. He plugged in his phone and picked up his pen to prepare to write.
"I'm Stan" I said to me
"Bill" he replied
                                    Time Skip
   It was now almost 4 o clock and I just finished my last class for the day. I grabbed my stuff and I began to drive to go pick up Elena. I got there at around 4:45 and I knocked on the door. I heard Elena talking behind the door. My mom opened the door with Elena set on her hip.
"Daddy!" Elena exclaimed and I took her into my arms.
"Hi sweetheart, you had fun with grandma?" I said walking inside the house while my mom closed the door behind us.
"Uh huh and we made brownies"
"I'll put some in Tupperware so you can take it home" my mom said walking to the kitchen.
"Go get your stuff" I told Elena setting her down and she did as she was told. My mom came back with a container with brownies and I thanked her. Elena ran back to me hugging my legs and with her bag in her back.
"Ready to go?" I said and she nodded. I grabbed her tiny hand and we said goodbye to my mom and we left. I strapped Elena into the car and I drove us home.
"Daddy, do you have friends at your school?" She asked me from the backseat
"Yes, remember Uncle Eddie and Mikey and Aunt Bev, they go to school with me" They all adore Elena and treat her like their own daughter and it warms my heart whenever they would interact.
"When can I go to school?"
"When you turn five, which is really soon" I answered
"I'm essited" she said
Soon, she fell asleep in the back seat and I carried her inside the apartment and put her down for a nap. I went into my room and watched some TV.


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