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Okayyyyyy!!!! So wats up everyone. Am makin a book that will most probably be a three in series book. I know I know it looks alot for a first time but hey atleast I've gooot guts. ;). Anyway i hoope you really enjoy this book.

One person says its a little too sad but it WILL becoome happy later on so don't worry sugar cakes..

Read on and enjoy the ride with Rose Blake!!!

Hi. My name is Rose Blake. I am 18 years old and have 2 annoying bastards who are also known as my brothers and a know-it-all sister who all are elder than me though sometimes I wish I could be the elder one. Not because of always being the slave of all my siblings but because even though they are all somewhat smart, they are complete idiots when it comes to reality. My 1st brother is totally naive. My second one is a stick in the mud or rather stick in the phone. My sister is super smart but she can never stand up for herself.

My mom most of the times doesn't believe me. She always thinks something is up & whenever something has happened she seems to blame me first. My dad who doesn't even notice me unless I have amazing grades at school or I am in trouble.

Still though, they are my family and I love them dearly. True I mean every family has ups and downs but you would give up your life for them if the time came, but hopefully it won't come to that. I mean it never has. Not yet anyway...

My school has no activities or any type of fun whatsoever. So my first year at a new city totally sucks. I have moved away from my friends and awesome school ending up in a place like Omsk. It is shit cold in Winter but atleast somewhat fine in Summer.

I haven't made any real friends-unless bitches count- till now and sit at home with my only source of fun which is books. They do help alot but when your brothers are being dogs then those are the times when you feel like killing yourself. We haven't got wifi yet so this year till now is totally a bummer. Life sucks but who said life was ever fair.

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