Hairy Podder

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Buttercup stared in disgust at the robe she was given. It was red, not green. All her life she had only worn two main colors, black and green. Now she had red.

It wasn't that big of a deal though, she would live. Maybe.

Suddenly a knock interrupted her thinking.

"Um excuse me! I need to come in!" A girl's voice called out.


The door burst open to reveal a brown haired girl with matching eyes. Her hair was pulled into two low ponytails that laid on her shoulders.

"I'm Lavendar Brown and I'm supposed to bring everyone for the welcoming party. And I mean everyone."

Grumbling, Buttercup pushed past Brownie and stomped into the common room. It was red and gold, with lion banners hanging everywhere. The only seat was the love seat by the fireplace. Half of it was occupied by some idiot with black hair stuffing his face with chocolate frogs. Yippee!

"Hey there! You must be Buttercup, I'm Har-"

"Hairy Podder, got it. I want food," she interrupted him. Buttercup expected him to scold her for her manners, but instead was greeted by laughter.

"Oh my bloody god. This is priceless! Hairy Podder! The name is George and this is Fred." Two redheads stood next to each other, laughing their heads off.

"Oh shut it you two. These are the Weasley twins, over there is Ron and Ginny," two other redheads waved at her, this reminded her far too much of Bossy Blossy, "And this is Harry Potter, by the way. Oh right, I'm Hermione. Food is over there on the table." Hermione said cheerfully.

Buttercup pushed past her and made her way to the food stands. From there she went to the love seat. Ravenette boy was still there, obnoxiously sipping his fire whisky now.

"Is that how you greet everyone? Mess up their names and push 'em off?" The boy asked snorting.

Buttercup growled and continued to eat.

"That is wonderful. You do you, alright? Now my name is Butch and I refused to have my name messed up or be ignored."

Buttercup ignored him.

"Think your so great, eh? You won't survive a day with me as an enemy," Butch whispered, menecingly.

"I have better things to do then spend my time with a douche like you."

Fan Freaking Tastic! No ducking your head down and ignoring people now!

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