I'm Up To No Good

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Blossom and Princess both sat across Bubbles and some girl named Tiffany. It was nice seeing her sister, since she hadn't seen her since the Sorting Hat Fiasco. 

"Blossom! How are you?"

"I'm good Bubs. This is Princess, and Princess, this is Bubbles. She's my younger sister."

Tiffany seemed confused at the loss of attention.

"What's the  deets with you right now Bloss? I met this cute guy, Mikey, and a poltergeist. Cool right?" Bubbles exclaimed.


Blossom was interrupted by Professor Flitwick. The tiny man was standing on his desk to get a good look at the students.

"Welcome, welcome! I am Professor Flitwick and I teach Charms!"

A group of Slytherin girls from the back of the class started laughing, but quickly shut up when he stared at them.

"I am teaching you a simple spell that can be used to make things levitate! Now repeat after me, WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" 

The feather on Flitwick's desk rose and spun in the air before tickling each student.

"Wingardium LevioSA!" Bubbles chanted. The feather twitched a little bit, before deconstructing before her very eyes.

"Wingardium Leviosa?" Princess said wearily. The feather twitched a little bit and dropped.

"Wingadium Leviosa!" Cheered Tiffany. Nothing happened.

After a few tries they looked to Blossom, expecting to see a floating feather.





And they did!

Her feather was floating, only a tad bit lower than the Professors. 

"Oh my gosh, Blossy! You need to teach me that one!" Bubbles squealed.

"Wingardium LeviOsa. Try that Bubs. And Princess? Be a bit more confident."

Nobody spoke to Tiffany... :(

Three feathers were now flying in the air, twirling around and about. 

"Wonderful girls! Ten points to Hufflepuff and ten to Slytherin! Look Tiffany, you need to say Wingardium Leviosa, not what you just said."

Tiffany! :)

All three girls left class and said their goodbyes. Their lessons were cut short as it was their first day in school.

"Princess! Blossom! Draco and the boys found something really cool!" Pansy Parkinson exclaimed.

Following her, they ran into the Slytherin Common Room.

There, Draco, Blaise, and... Brick were sitting around a fire holding a piece of parchment.

"Alright boys! The girls are here, finally!" Blaise cheered out.

"So I was in the detention hall when Filch left the key to the 'Things Stolen By Filth' box and I had to take a peek. So I looked around and lo and behold, found a piece of parchment."

Blaise peered at the rest who were following along.

"I'm not an idiot, so I decided to check what enchantments were on it, and for the sake of the two first years i'm going to skip all that. Basically this map knows everything about the school and who are here."

Blaise pulled out his wand and held it on the parchment.

"I solemnly swear i'm up to no good."

The parchment filled with ink and became a map of the entire school. Every student, teacher, and passageway was marked and labeled.

"There's my sisters!" Blossom muttered.

"And... my brothers as well."

Both Blossom and Brick shared a look as their sibling sense went off.

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