Vent Wars

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Blossom and Buttercup had twelve minutes before Brick, Butch, and Boomer would be looking at the necklace, and currently Filch had it in his office.

Blossom turned to Buttercup, who was softly cursing Filch.

"Well? What are we going to do?" Buttercup finally relented, turning toward her sister, hands on her hips.

When Blossom came to this school, she expected to be top of her class, learn magic, and have a silent school year.

So far, two of them had come true. And it wasn't having a silent school year.

Before, the thought of this would have appalled her, but now she knew that she had better things to do.

"What else? Break into Filch's office."

So that's how they found themselves in the schools 'vent system.'

The smoke had to come out somewhere.

They  both were on their hands and knees, crawling through the claustrophobic tunnel. Dirt was staining her pale pink skinny-jeans. Blossom refused to be breaking and entering in her school robes.

She froze, they were on top of Filch's office. Buttercup rammed headfirst into her butt.

"Ouch!" Blossom hissed.

She peered over the edge. Filch had left, but his cat, Mrs Norris was still there.

Blossom often thought of the cat like Mrs Norris from Jane Austen, both disagreeable and judgemental to another extent.

But she was an ordinary cat with a bit of magic connecting her to her master. One Blossom could possibly null.

She pulled out her wand, but Buttercup used this time to accidentally bump into her, again.

"Buttercu- shit! I dropped it!"

Sure enough, her wand fell past the grates of the vent and into the room, landing flatly on his desk. If he were to come in, he would immediately notice it. And without her wand, Mrs Norris would stay right there, continuing her... nap.

"What now?" She turned to Buttercup, who had pulled out her phone, "Oh, great help Buttercup. My wand just fell in there! What do we do?"

But Buttercup just shushed her and called someone on her phone.

"Hey Ginny? Yeah, we need help."

Ginny? As in Gryffindor Ginny? Shit, now the three of them would be stuck here.


Buttercup called. That was cool.

She wanted me to...break into Filch's office. I tried calling up Fred and George, but they had quidditch practice again.

So it was up to me. I pulled on a black hoodie and some leggings. Approaching his door, I checked and saw only the cat was there.

With my key Fred had made, I unlocked the door. There, on the desk, was a wand. 

Grabbing it, Mrs Norris woke up. With a yowl, I grabbed her and Buttercup and Blossom jumped from the ceiling.

With a quick spell, the cat fainted.

"Hurry guys, Filthy Filch is coming." I said, whispering.

Blossom got to work, yanking cabinets open and digging through them. Finally she pulled out her necklace.

"Got it! Let's go!"

But at that second, the door started opening. Buttercup sent a spell that jammed the door.

  "Wingardium Leviosa!" Blossom chanted.

It was strong enough to lift the three of us into the vent, which closed behind us.

"Go, go, go!" Buttercup hissed, in the lead.

We scurried away, praying nobody could hear us underneath. 

Yupp, Blossom just got saved by a Gryffindor. Will this change her mind about the red group?

Next time: Bubbles is left with three boys, each ticked off for a different reason...

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