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Buttercup was just quietly sitting in the Great Hall waiting for her sisters to appear when he came along.

"Hey, B-Cup!" He yelled at her, smirking.

She figured girls fell to his feet and cried for him whenever he did that, except her. It just showed how cocky he was.

"Hello, Earth to Buttercup? I'm talking to you!"

"I'm aware."

With a growl, he walked towards her and pushed her down, splattering pumpkin juice on her.

With a cry, she turned around and punched him, square in the jaw.

It kinda hurt.

Her knuckles cracked against his jaw, but nobody heard it over the scream he made.

"Oh my god! She's hurting my baby!" 

A stupid brunette ran towards him, engulfing his arm in her chest.

"Get away from my baby, you.. you psycho!" She screamed.

It was then that Buttercup noticed all the other Gryffindors. And she heard them too.

"What the hell? Why is she in our house?"

"She really is a bloodthirsty witch! She attacked Butch for talking to her!"

Potter, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny stood to the side in their perfect golden glory, tutting in disproval.

What about her? She was the victim too!

But no, Butch was their pretty tough boy whom everyone admired. And she was the first year.

Someone threw more pumpkin juice at her. Then a turkey. And a pudding.

Buttercup just waited for this to end, numb and filthy.


It was Blossom.

Running towards her, she pushed some people out of her way and wrapped around her sister, hugging her despite her mess. 

"You okay, BC? I'm sorry I wasn't here in time."

Gryffindors, no matter how regal and powerful they seemed, were bloody trash compared to her sisters. 

"I'm fine, Blossy," she whispered.

Blossom let go and held her sisters hand. Squeezing it, she turned around and hand in hand the two girls left the Great Hall.


It still stung, where she punched him. The only good thing that came out of that was the one sided food fight. That was damn entertaining!

Butch spun around and saw Brick. His big bro would be so proud right now! He just got her-

Brick hooked him straight on the side of his skull.




"What the hell is wrong with you?" He hissed.

With him? The crazy thing attacked him! He just...

Oh right.

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