It's Him...

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The man right in front of them could only be described as menacing.

A demon, no doubt, with lobster claws and red skin. His hair forms a sharp widows peak, his blush is sparkling magically on his cheekbones, and his eyes. 

His eyes are lime green slits surrounded by yellow.

He wore a pink feather boa, red tight dress, and a pink tutu, as well as fishnet stockings and heeled boots the levitate off the ground.

Blossom had seen creatures like him before. Demons. Creatures of the shadows that thrive on fear and chaos. Many of them lived in the muggle world, where fear and a lack of demon wards gave them a rush.

Very few actually remained around wizards or witches, and the ones who did usually were captured or exiled.

This one did not look anything like it had been captured, or exiled. A fearful aura shook my core as Blossom stared at it.

"Him?" Boomer said, the only one of his brothers without his jaws unhinged.

"Hello, Dumber than the Dumbest. How are the Baron of Berserk and The Bludgeoner doing?"

Nicknames? Boomer must be dumber than the dumbest, rude, and Butch the baron of berserk. Brick didn't seem to unhinged.

His voice sent shivers down her spine, as Blossom unconsciously scooted away from him. This motion did not go unnoticed by Brick, who moved towards her.

"Fear. Don't show any of it. Just stare over it's shoulder." He hissed softly towards her.

"I know that, dumbass. I'm not scared."

"Fuck you Princess. Can her majesty not ever get down her throne and admit she's nothing but an insec-"

"BLUDGEONER! Is that how mummy raised you to treat a lady?"

"Sorry, Mum."

This... this was Himeates Jojo? He lived up to the stories of him and his army of the undead.

"Why are you here?" Buttercup threatened.

"I'm here for a very important reason, little miss toughest fighter. To take back my wife."

Blossom looked at the urn she held in her hands. A demon like HIM could have easily just stolen it and gained the immesurable power to bring back his army of the dead, but he hadn't.

"Oka-" Blossom smacked Bubbles before she could agree to hand over the precious artifact.

"No. Why do you want it, and why haven't you just taken it?" Blossom said, pink eyes staring into yellow ones.

"Dearest Commander, I'm afraid my agenda hasn't changed over twenty thousand years. Shame, truly. One might think I would get over this nut shell of a dream, unlimited power and such, but no. Take over the wizard ink world. Kill the muggles. But not all of them. They get scared so easily. As for why I haven't taken it... I'm not going to tell you! Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

Its voice grew devilishly deep for a minute there, and Blossom would never admit she jumped a little. She knew her and her sisters fear was keeping the demon around longer, and as soon as she stopped being so scared, he would be gone. 

But it's way harder than one might think to look into a creature that wished nothing more than to kill, knowing he was imagining torturing you, and not be feared. Blossom knew they were all scared, even Brick.

"What do you want, Himateus? We refuse to give you the urn, and we are under Hecate's protection, aren't we? She doesn't want you to have her, and you can't take it from us!"

His gaze darkened.

"Don't talk about matters in which you don't understand, little girl. You WILL give me that urn, or far more forceful measures will come. Far, far worse." He clacked his claws, "Three people are dead. If your not careful, soon more will follow."

And just like that, he dissaparated away.

Bubbles was the first to get up.

"Blossom? Why did Hecate protect us? Wouldn't she be mad at our ancestors? A-and who did it kill? Oh my god, do we know them? Oh my gosh! We have to do something! I bet if we smash the urn then we ca-"

Bubbles was cut off my Buttercup's screaming.

Sometime during Bubbles freaking out, Ginerva Weasley's eyes rolled to the top of her head and her neck had been violently broken.

From a distance, the demon smirked as the panic over the red haired imposter deafened everything else. The sound was euphoric to it's ears, and it felt itself grow stronger.

"Soon, my dear, soon..."

Aaaaand there it is! I've killed of a major character loved by a lot of people!

And sooo many more to kill!

So, fun? Yeah, yeah, I know.

If anything needs clearing up

Hecate created the wizards, who later killed her (matricide), and then the Utoniums and Fatalias (who don't seem to like each other) brought her back, only to trap her inside the urn, and her life protected the new wizards.

Next: Farrah and Bubbles fight

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