Bullies and Break Ups

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Bubbles sat down with Davis Greasle in tow. Yeah, he was cute with brown hair and adorable blue eyes. His dimples were so sweet and he played Chaser for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

They sucked. (Please don't take offense Badgers, this is just a story)

"So, fun game huh?" He asked, somewhat out of breath from chasing her.

"Yeah, you did great! Better luck next time though, huh babe?" 

Sure, they had been dating for eh, three weeks now.

And it was so cute every time he started glowing when she called him babe. Aww...

"Thanks baby. Now, can I have you come with me as my date to the Slytherin party?"

"Why? Their snakes and were badgers." Bubbles was confused.

Davis just grinned wider, cute!

"Yeah, but as long as your not a Gryffindor, you can join."

So no Buttercup, huh. At least she could catch up with Blossy!

"Oh my gosh, yes! I can hang out with Blossy!"

His smile dropped a little bit, was he okay? Aww, he better not be jealous.

"Yeah. See you later Bubbles!"

With that, her boyfriend of three weeks ran off.




Walking in the halls, Bubbles pulled out her Quick Quotes Quill. It recorded the location of any topics of any juicy gossip. Nothing exciting happened, but in the Great Hall, it buzzed with joy.

The Gryffindor Table, apparently.

She saw Buttercup with some new friends, all chatting real closely.

In fact, she saw that Butch guy, who caused the unfair food fight! She stalked over, ready to give him a piece of her mind when she heard something unforgivable.

"She has anxiety."

Blossom did. And Buttercup just told a group of Gryffindors that her sister had a secret. This... this was horrible!

Without thinking, she ran to find Blossom.


Brick had spent the whole day feeling guilty, and mad. Did he hurt her? No, he doubted that. So he spent the entire day thinking. Her dad perhaps? As in, the actual one.

"Hey Pinky-"

Brick trailed off as he saw her crying.

"What happened, Bloss? Did someone hurt you?"

Blossom looked livid, and broken.

Sobbing, she buried her face in her chest, not stopping until their next class started and she needed to get cleaned up.

Just as they were about to leave the dorms, Blossy spoke.

"Buttercup couldn't read for the longest time, until she was six. Always struggling with a really bad lisp. And in second grade, she fell in love with an older teen. They dated until they were caught."

She seemed so content blabbing put her sisters secrets.

"And you know the worst thing yet? She spilled that I have anxiety from abuse."


After telling Blossom the news, Daniel came over to her. 

"Your sister Blossom, the weird pink eyed girl, is mentally unstable?"

What the fudge!?

"WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT FROM?" Bubbles screamed.

She knew her nose was turning pink and she was looking really unattractive.


Taking some deep breaths, she calmed down. Daniel looked shocked, but he deserved it.

"Oh Danny? We're done."

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