Attack of the Blondie

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Ginny Weasley was dead. And hadn't Himateus said he killed three?

Ohmygod! Ijustkilledsomeone!

Buttercup was crying for her dead friend, She, Butch, and Boomer were all frozen to a corner while the two redheads screamed at each other.




Bubbles finally got her voice back.

"You guys... what do we do?"

Everyone stopped freaking out and started staring at her. The pressure was deafening. She couldn't feel the rest if her body, only fight to hold back a threatening sob. Buttercup was crying enough already, she didn't want to be a burden.


Nobody knew. Not a single person. T-this wasn't right. Her sister always had a plan, but then again this was a dead body and a dark lord threatening to kill people. Innocent people.

"Why didn't Hecate protect Ginny, like the rest of us?" She whispered.

The familiar look Blossom made when thinking deeply about something brought a surge of relief to her, and everyone else. This was okay. They could get over this. They could..

Who was she lying to? This was awful. There was no going back from this. Ginny's cold body laid in the corner, neck snapped right in half.

"...because she didn't need her." Came Boomer's voice. His reassuring voice.

"She needs you girls to be set free. Dad wouldn't hurt us, ever. It only left..."

"Weasel." Brick snears. 

Even at a time of death he was still a bastard. It was a shield for him, to hide whatever guilt and turmoil he was feeling.

A sob broke out from Buttercup. Headstrong, battleready Buttercup. Who never cried. Ever.

"We need to leave th-the body. S-someone needs to find it." Her sister said, choking on another wave of tears.


Bubbles was all alone. She didn't want to be near anyone when Ron found his sisters dead body on his way to shag Lavender. Climbing up the staircase, head held down, she didn't notice when she bumped into someone. That someone being Farrah Fatalia.

"I'm sorry," Bubbles whispered, trying to side shuffle away.

"Are you? We both know very well what he's going to find when he opens that door."

There was no need for clarification on who Farrah was talking about... but how?

"You've awoken her. You've stolen my prize!" Farrah hissed, drawing her wand out.

Bubbles stared in shock as she was pushed off the staircase. Falling down slowly, with the enchantments, she had time to bring out her wand and boost back to the top.

"Expelliarmus!" Bubbles cried, just as Farrah let out a "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Both their wands floated up in the air, and in a rush to grab one, the switched wands.

"Tarantellegra!" Farrah screamed.

Spinning around, Bubbles barely managed to get the words out of her mouth.

"Petrificus Totales!"

"Levicorpus!" She managed to say. Farrah was able to do wandless magic?!

Hanging from her ankle, Bubbles screamed "Aguamenti" knocking Farrah of the ledge with a well placed aim of projectile water to the sternum.

Popping back up, Farrah was furious and wet. Holding a shaking hand, she pointed it at Bubbles, still hanging from her ankles.


A burning cut sliced across Bubbles leg, blood leaking out as she screamed in pain. It burned like a her body had been doused in gasoline and than lit on fire.

"INCENDIO!" A voice, not hers nor Farrah's screamed.

A line of fire ripped between them, and Bubbles could faintly hear a binding charm being used on Farrah.

While one of her heros dealt with Farrah, someone released her and sent a "ferula" her way, wrapping it around her leg.

When the fire cleared she saw the one and only Headmaster Dumbledore and Mike (!) standing near her.

"Let me check your leg dear," the aged wizard said.


"Shhh, don't worry. These spells can be reversed, and Miss Fatalia will suffer her punishment thrown at her."


"Her wand will be broken."

At that moment, Bubbles fell out of consciousness, her final memory of when the two switched wands.


Here we go! I'm back from my vacation!

Happy 2020 ladies and gents!


Not much to say

Next chapter: Buttercup versus the Weasley family...

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