The Clash Of The Gryffindors

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When word got around that Bubbles was attacked by Farrah, and that...Ginny was found dead, I had safely locked myself up in a bathroom stall, sobbing my eyes out. I heard a knock on the door, and I unlocked it.

Standing in the girls bathroom was Butch as well as the Weasel twins and Ron.

"W-What?" I asked.

"You were close to Gin, right?" Ron said.

His eyes were pink, the three of their eyes were, and I could tell they'd been crying.

"Did you know?" One of the twins asks, as if she could've known.

Butch must've spilt. 


"Ginny said there was something weird about you, and we didn't believe her," said one

"I mean you are weird, and Gin is rather bad at reading people, but there's something about you. You were the last person to be seen with my sister," said the other.

Butch was quiet. Alright, maybe he didn't spill, that still didn't mean he was innocent, keeping quiet and all that.

"Ignore them Buttercup. We do really need your help. Our parents, well our Mum said she was gonna take us outta Hogwarts, and that can't happen. T-This is our home away from home."

This hurt her, truly. Hogwarts too was her home away from home. But what could she do? People were dying because of her ancestry, and a victim was one of her only friends.

"I-I just learnt about it with you guys. Maybe after. I have no idea what to do." She said simply, pushing past them.

"Wait! Buttercup!" Shouted Ron, "Just... Farrah was expelled. They found dark artifacts hidden in her room and that's that. A bunch of students are dropping out now. We might be next. If you can find something... tell us, won't you?"

They were so sincere. It hurt. She was never this sappy before. Fuck.

"Yeah, I'll... I'll try to do something."

With that, Buttercup left. For real. 

Pulling out her phone she decided to call Bubbles.

Next Chapter: Death Number 2 Happens at Hogwarts

You guys! I was rereading this book and have come to the conclusion that this must be rewritten. So you'll start seeing the chapter edited, but the same plot will stay the same. Nothing too different.

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