Boys Will Be Boys... Unfortunately

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Blossom had said she would be here. 

A while ago.

So right now I had three anxious, angry boys all crowded in the Room Of Requirement, which I had booked for the day, and they all seemed to think arguing with each other was going to make them feel better.

"Brick you asshole! Leave me alone!"

"Only if you would piss off Boomer!"

"Bubs? Why the FUCK are we here?"

""Don't call her that, Butch!"

They were like Buttercup and Blossom when we were younger, and I guess that never changed, but still... so immature!

"Boys! Can you please stop?"

Not even Boomer, who I was closest with, paused. Instead they kept screaming at each other.


Three sets of eyes stared at me. One blue pair feeling bad, one green annoyed, and one red, emotionless set.

"This is no way to feel better you guys! Look, I can tell something's bothering you, and I want you to spit it out! Blossy and BC won't be here for a bit, so you can talk to me. Talking really helps you feel better!"

And just like that, the room changed to become some sort of lounge, with a separate glass room to the side.

"Okaaaay, Butch!" He was the most emotional, in an angry sense, and I figured I could get him to squeal faster.

"Nuh uh. No way. You can't drag me bitch."

Boomer's eyes darkened and he ended up lugging Butch off his butt and tossing him into the room.

"So, Butch, what is your problem?"

This was really awkward for him, I knew that. I was younger than him and he probably felt like talking would hurt his masculinity. Thankfully I had the cure for this.

"Not talking huh? Well, I know Buttercup's phone number..."

"Alright, so Buttercup and I were finally getting along. I could apologize for being an ass, when she double crosses me! Goes and tells her sister that we plan on pranking them! Like what the fuck man! And now she comes telling me she needs my help for something important? If Boom and Brick weren't doing this, I wouldn't be here!"

And here was the problem. I had no idea what to say to this. 

"Girls are very complex creatures, Butch. Buttercup the most. You want to get her to forgive you, then you need to realize that she has forgiven you about the incident and doesn't need a reminder. Just act normally, like you would around anyone else, and you'll be fine."

He scratches the top of his head and flashed a smile. 

He still doesn't get it.

"Ok, thanks Bubs. See you?"

"Yeah bye!"

I don't even bother with Brick. Butch may have masculinity problems, but Brick just has living problems. I don't even think he knows why he's mad.

"Hey Boomie!"

I always liked Boomer. Butch was like your older brother, Brick your even older brother, and Boomer was like the guy who you could really connect with. 

The perfect boyfriend. He was kind and caring, as well as sweet but slightly immature and just human. Unlike most boys the things he did came naturally to him. Like he was just meant to be this way, and he didn't fight it.

"Baby Blue, how are you?"

And we had this thing. I was his Baby Blue and he was Boomie.

I think Bubs had gotten old, everyone calling me that, and Blondie was just overused as an insult most of the time. One day Boomer called me baby blue and from then on I feel like the color really stood out to me.

"Oh, I'm good! What's gotten you so riled up?"

Boomer scrunched up his face to make this really adorable thinking face and just seemed to disappear into his thoughts. Unlike most boys around me, Boomer didn't stutter or blush too much, like he was in control of his feelings, but he let them loose all the time.

"Brick just ticks me off sometimes. He insulted this girl I like, called her a ditz and stupid, and I really hated that. Sometimes I wish the whole blonde stereotype wasn't real. Someone could look at me and go, 'hey, I have a question for you!' And not just about quidditch or whatever."

I thought about that. Blondie stereotypes were taxing. People thought I was all happy and brainless and just plain stupid, but I know my stuff. My sister was Blossom for goodness sakes! And as awful as a dad Professor Utonium was, always testing on my sisters, he was super smart and wanted us to grow like him.

"Uhg, I know how you feel! Happy and blonde doesn't make dumb! We have to work our butts off to be considered not stupid, happy, blondies! Stereotypes are so annoying!"

And so we spent time chatting about things that bothered us. That's what I love most about Boomer, I can actually spend time with him and he doesn't think I'm some stupid little girl. He gets it.

I... I might be catching feelings.

So, I've been having a bunch of tests and shit that put me back a ton on writing...

I love you guys but honestly I love my future more...

Hopefully you can forgive me with this Blues fluff... I haven't been writing enough of them so the next chapter will be about these guys as well.

Next Up: The Puffs and The Ruffs all compare what they know about the urn, and Mike is acting weird

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