Prove It

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Buttercup was guided by her sister to the Common Bathrooms, used by any house. Plopping herself on the counter, she watched Blossom flick her wand and summon a fresh pair of Gryffindor robes.

"Accio Gryffindor Robe," she said.

Using a damp towel, she cleaned the smeared food off her face. When it was clean, she used soap and scrubbed.

"Th.. thanks Blossom." she normally didn't use her full name, unless she was truly thankful. 

"Anytime, Buttercup. Now, why did this happen?"

Buttercup sighed and ran a hand through her raven locks, sticky with pumpkin juice.

"Butch, their wittle baybay, shoved me and I got coated in food, so I reacted and punched him. I know Bloss, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. Anyways, they didn't like that and they started a fight, in which I just stood there."

Pouring water from her wand, Blossom rinsed her hair.

"You have nothing to apologize for, okay? Him making them attack you, just like that, is punishment enough. And far too drastic in my opinion."

She proceeded on shampooing her hair. From where she got her materials, Buttercup had no clue, but it was kind enough. Even as it trickled down her neck.

"You have nothing to apologize for, BC."

"Yeah, okay."

I failed okay. I'm sorry.

"And you have nothing to prove to them."


I've failed, Blossom. Now I know how you feel. I have to prove myself to... to them!

Sensing something was wrong, she scooped her into a big hug and squeezed her left shoulder.

They started doing that when things started going bad at home. It meant you had someone looking out for you, no matter what.

Blossom gave her the robes and sent her to the stall to change. While she was in there, she quickly called Bubbles.

'Come to the Girl's Bathroom, by the Great Hall. It's an emergency.'

Instantly, Bubbles zoomed into the bathroom.

"Blossom! Some dumb Gryffindors were saying how they trashed Buttercup!"

Just as she finished the sentence, Buttercup climbed out of the shower. 

She smelled like 

pumpkin juice...

The stupid, idiotic, bastard did this to her.

Blossom smiled softly and squeezed her sister's shoulder once again, showing her support. But on the inside she was a raging inferno, ready to kill everyone in her path. That was it.

Nobody. Messes. With. Her. SISTERS!

Hi there! I've never actually done one of these before, but if you liked this chapter, send a comment, star, or do whatever. Thanks a ton and if you have a suggestion, don't be shy to say so!

Thanks for reading and have an absolutely wonderful day! (Or night, evening, dusk, dawn, 3:45 AM)

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