Screw Dory, Just Keep RUNNIN'

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You'd better neck yo'self now... 

Buttercup finally went to the Great Hall, after three days of being a wimp.

"Hey," a strange voice called from behind her. A blue eyed Gryffindor stood behind her with her hands in her pockets.

What the hell? Why is this chica talking right now?

Buttercup ignored her and turned around, ready to walk away.

"Huh. No wonder Butchie got mad. She can't talk. Damn muggle can't speak."

She halted and spun around, pointing her wand at her throat. 

"Take. That. Back." She growled.

The girl raised her hands and stared at the wand.

"My name is Blue Adkins and I am your number one fan."

Rolling her eyes, Buttercup sat at the far end of the table, alone. This was good, she needed to build up a new reputation, even when it hurt.

"Suit yourself," she heard Blue mumble. 

Pulling out her phone, Buttercup texted her sisters.

BadassCup: I'm in the Gryffinbore table...

BubsyBlu: Aww... it can't be that bad!

BadassCup: Believe me, it's worse

QueenBlossy: Pessimistic much?

BadassCup: Speak English 

QueenBlossy: Not my fault you didn't understand kindergarten 

BadassCup: Shut up!

BubsyBlu: You girls!

QueenBlossy: When someone resorts to 'shut up' you know you've won.

BadassCup: You wish...

QueenBlossy: Wish what? 

QueenBlossy: Wishing you were me and I you?

BubsyBlu: Well girls, lovely seeing you argue, but I've got to curl Bunnys hair.

QueenBlossy: *Bunny's hair

BubsyBlue Has Left The Chat

BadassCup Has Left The Chat

QueenBlossy: Whoop! I won! 😁

QueenBlossy Has Left The Chat

Her sister was such a perfect, know it all sometimes. 

"Um hi!"

Another idiot daring to bother her.

"So I was hoping you co-"

"You hoped wrongly. Time to go."

As the curly haired Gryffindor scurried away, a cough echoed from behind her.

"I think I invented that comeback."

"Bloss?" Buttercup said, whirling around.

"So I've got something to show you. Bubs will be coming shortly."

"Lead the way, sis. Not like I have anything better to do currently."

As Blossom led her away, Bubbles came running.

"So Bloss. Were you texting while looking for us?" Bubbles asked the obvious question.

No Bubbles. She hired someone else to.

"Mmhm. Now enter here."

"This better be good Bloss. I haven't had breakfast yet."

And damn her sister was right. The entire classroom was a mess.

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