Blossom's Guide For Getting A Guy To Like You

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Blossom had been thinking about Buttercup's crush the entire time. Thinking so hard she barely heard the CLICK from outside.


In a second she jumped to the window and saw a guy all dressed in black with a camera stare at her. His, or her, face was covered and eyes disclosed with some black sunglasses.

And when this stalker realized she saw them, they upped and ran.

Blossom recalled Buttercup talking about a stalker. She would need to up the security around the house.

And back to Operation Brickercup.

She hated that title, for some reason she couldn't assume, and she wished her sister didn't have a crush on some awful, cruel, hot, cold-mannered guy. 

But you couldn't chose who you liked, nor who you loved, so Brickercup- no matter how nauseating- was her new priority.

And a simple game of truth or dare would make this work.

QueenBlossy: Bubs, I need you to do something important for me

BubsyBlue: Does pink look good on me?

QueenBlossy: No, and answer me...

BubsyBlue: Sure sure, just w8t.

QueenBlossy: Full sentences when texting me

And sure

BubsyBlue: What is it dear sister?

QueenBlossy: Truth Or Dare. Boys and Girls. Brickercup

BubsyBlue: Aye aye Cupid. On it now.

And are you sure I don't look good in pink?

QueenBlossy: No you don't. Leave pink to me.

Now goodbye

BubsyBlue: Love ya buyyyyye!

QueenBlossy: 🙄

When Bubbles dragged everyone down to the living room, minus her 'parents', Blossom was ready.

Her mascara war paint glared everyone down and forced them to surrender, except her stupidly genius target.

"So, to help everyone get along Bubbles and I have forced you to play Truth Or Dare," she barked.

"Uhm, we hope you'll like it (?)," Naive Bubbles muttered.

"Whatever. Boomer you go first."

(Boomer, Butch, Brick, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, then Boomer again)

Boomer:  Who was your first kiss (Bubbles)

Butch: Give Professor, vegetarian, a beef sandwich (Brick)

Brick: Kiss the person you like the most on the cheek (Bloss)

Blossom: Punch the person you like the most in the face (Butter- Interrupted by Brick)

Buttercup: Give Butch a lap dance (Butch -rejected)

Bubbles: Who was YOUR first kiss? (Boomer)


Boomer became nervous. Was this Bubbles way of seeing if he was a man-whore?

"Uhm... my friend Robin," he whispered.

Brick cocked an eyebrow. He obviously knew that wasn't true, but Boomer couldn't remember his first and didn't want to ask Brick who it was.

Besides, Robin and him were friends. There was no way to get them to ever kiss.


With a beef sandwich in hand, he made his way into the Professors office.

"Hey man. Bloss wanted to give you this sandwich. Gotta go."

Dropping it on the table, he ran out of there.

When he made it back, Boomer told him the Prof. called Pinky.

She came back a little later with a slap mark and a black eye.

Nobody asked questions. 

Brick tried to, but was pushed off.

The game continued.


Brick looked at the dare he was given. Kiss the person he liked the most?

He wasn't stupid. He saw the glances Pinky gave him. Obviously she liked him and the feelings were mutual... kind of.

So he did the sensible thing and tackled the diva, kissing her.

Her pink eyes fluttered closed uncertainly as he bit her lip, emitting a moan. Just like that he stuck his tongue in.

They were fighting for dominance when Buttercup pulled them apart, furious.

"I was having a moment, babe." he sneered at the meddling green girl.


Blossom looked at Buttercup, who looked away immediately.

 But this was a good thing! Brick called Butters a babe, even if he kissed her.

And now she had to punch the person she liked the most in the face, courtesy of Brick The Prick.

She didn't know which sister she liked the most, seeing as she liked both.

Blossom couldn't punch either of them in the face, so she punched Brick straight on the nose.

"Fuck woman!" he screamed.

Blossom wished Draco were here to laugh at this and tell his story on how he punched Hermione Granger in the nose.

And how he turned Hairy Podders into a ferret.

Your not fooling anyone Draco.

Now Blossom could scratch punching Brick in the nose off her bucket list.


Brick kissed Bloss and Bloss punched him in the nose.

Was there something she wasn't getting?

Why did nobody like her?

"Fuck off Bitch," she whispered to Butch before signaling Bubbles.


Bubbles first kiss? That was a long time ago with some guy she couldn't remember.

Boomer's dare had been purely innocent! Something middle schoolish and fun she could gain a laugh from. This was embarrassing.

"Uhm... my friend Tio." She whispered.

Blossom stared confusingly at her. Because she knew there was no 'Tio'.

"What happened to him?" Boomer asked, anger laced in his voice.

"He moved away."

And so we have the next chapter!

Last one was a whoooozy, but this one is cool.

Writtem differently, sure, but I hop you like it!

So school is starting soon and that means smaller and more delayed updates.

'Cause Wattpad is not as important as my grades.

Yes yes... my mum loves me.

Next Time: Butch and Buttercup have a heart to heart before school starts again

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