The Truth Of The Urn

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I followed Blossom and Ginny into the Room Of Requirment to see... Bubbles the therapist?

"Yo, Bubble-Brain, get out of there and joking the real world!" I screamed, poking my head in the little... room she had created.

Almost immediately the room turned into some old, vampirey-dining table thing that was like, a mile long. Blossom pulled out her necklace and un-transfigured in into the vase, or urn, whatever.

After finally getting a closer look, I could tell that this thing was old. It had paintings of the older stories we heard about as a kid, like the one with the Peverell brothers and the giant spider.

But these were all off to the side, the giant engravement wrapped around the center was a story I couldn't recognize. It showed wizards and witches throwing hexes at I supposed were zombies...

"If you look on the center, the urn tells a story that you most likely won't find anywhere else," Blossom started, "I did some research and found this. A long, long time ago the muggles encountered this woman named Hecate. She was said to be the first... anomaly of their kind. She was a witch, true, but her only ability was to create life. She made the first wizard families. The Scamanders, Malfoys, Potters, Crabbes, Parkinsons, Dumbledores, Zabinis, Weasleys. Basically majority of the pure bloods we know today. She created them as her children, raising them and taking care of them, but they had one rule; they could never leave their home.

"Hecate was scared that her creations would rebel from her and escape, so she trapped them inside an urn. Day after day she would watch her children fight, argue, reproduce, and die inside the art of the urn, but she believed she was protecting them. One day though, she was said to have felt some overwhelming guilt or she accidentally broke the urn, and the wizards were let free.

"Their first act was to kill Hecate, and she barely escaped with the broken pieces of her urn. She claimed that whomever could fix the urn could trap whatever they'd wish inside. A pocket dimension almost. Finally the found her, but she had mostly finished fixing the urn. They killed her, of course, and set about making their lives with the muggles."

"So if the urn is broken, why do we have it here, all 100%?" I asked, eyes narrowing.

"If you'd let me finish, they integrated with the normal world, and you have your half bloods, like us. Thing was, even in Hecate's death, she still terrorized the remaining pure bloods. Their children were dying. All of them. She could create life, but they couldn't. It said they later summoned a demon who told them what to do. They must create a necromancer and bring Hecate back from the dead. Then they should trap her in the urn. The demon though, asked in return was to make Hecate his wife."

"Wait, wait, wait. Necromancy? That's fucking messed up man. You need to be deranged and have it in your blood to do that!" Boomer gasped.

"Shut up. So, the pure blooded wizards fixed the urn and then they decided to create the first necromancer. This is where it gets freaky girls. The first two necromancers were Jonalupa Utonium, our ancient ancestor, and Fragelita Fatalia, Farrah's ancestor! To do this, they heavily tortured the family to strip them of their perception of life or death. With this, they brought Hecate back, and locked her in the urn."

Everyone gasped, including Ginny, at the fact that creepy Farrah and her sisters might be related to necromancers, who can bring back the dead.

"Blossom," Brick said cooly, "Where is your proof?"

Bloss threw down a bunch of books I could've sworn came from the restricted section and some maps, as well as drawings of what was unmistakably Bubbles.

"Just before entering, Hecate cursed the Utoniums and Fatalias to all be slightly deranged and cruel, and was sucked in the urn. The demon then took the urn away, with his bride still inside. This demon was the first Dark Lord, Himateus Jojo, or HIM, to ever be close to actually taking over the world. So now the large wizard population went into hiding to protect themselves from the scorn and wrath of the muggles. If you morons didn't recognize, that's your last name, which means your part demon."

"Part demon, part magic goddess?" Butch asked hopefully.

"Dipshit, everyone is part 'magic goddess'" Brick snapped.

What did I like about him again?

"Yes Brick, and so you boys are part demon."

Ginny spoke up, "What about Hecate's curse? Deranged and all that?"

Everyone turned to Blossom. I didn't think I was deranged.

"Blossom, your parents abuse you girls, don't they? You father at least. And his parent. And the parent before that. They abuse the necromancer out of you without even knowing it."

The world kinda greyed at Brick's accusation. That yeah, we were forced to live to ridiculous standards. I was forced to win every sport competition, otherwise they would apparate and leave me on a mountain. Bubbles had to be the best artist and musician and win every competition that came her way, once she didn't and mother tried to drown her. And Blossom had to always be smart. Or they would burn her.

"N-Necromancy has three main elements. Wind, water, and fire. We were all trained with this, and because if Hecate's curse, it forced our parents to do some awful things to us.. bu-"

"WHAT THE FUCK BLOSSOM! You can't fucking lay this off as a curse! I've seen what he did to you. And Buttercup. You have a limp sometimes. That can be an after effect of warmth balms, used for hypothermia, and Bubbles! Bubbles..." Brick trailed off, not really knowing much about the blonde.

"You hate water, don't you." Boomer said, now hugging a sobbing Bubbles.

"Th-this isn't some curse. Your telling me Hecate has turned an entire family line of necromancers into psychopaths? And where did you even get the urn?" Butch said, standing up.

"Ahh, the million dollar question. How did these three girls get an ancient trapping vessel that once belonged to me?"

That's part one folks... yes, yes, this gets longer...

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