Brick And The Interrogation

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I'm sorry I was such an awful sister.

Yeah, I apologized... 

It was kinda eating me up inside.

Well, more than kinda, I just wanna be sisters again!

Solve that necklace thingy and joke about weird teachers!

But I get it... you don't forgive me.

Butch is recruiting me to prank you guys tonight.

At 12:35 we'll be painting your door red.

Yeah, pretty dumb.

I hope we can be sisters again one day.

Until then,

Buttercup Utonium.

Blossom held the note in her hands as she sat on her bed across from Buttercup, whom was lying on the floor.

"What a family..." she whispered to herself.

"BC? I could never be mad at you for long. We're sisters, alright? And family before feuds."

"You mean that?"

She nodded her head. Both sisters stared at each other for a little, tears forming in their eyes until Buttercup surprised both Blossom and herself by jumping up and giving her a hug.

"Let's call Bubbles and have a girls night out, huh?" Blossom asked.

Buttercup only nodded and cried harder.

"Shh... it's alright. I don't think I was ever mad at you, and my anxiety has been going down a lot since I came here."

"Your the best sister ever. What would we do without you?"

Blossom laughed, both girls letting go and instead sitting side by side on her bed.

"Probably get arrested for fratricide."

They laughed together, remembering the old times when they all shared a giant bed together.

"What's gonna happen to Butch?" Buttercup asked.

"Probably get his ass kicked."


"You fucking moron!"

"Owwww! Bro! What the fuuuuuuuu-"

He kicked him once more on his side to make himself feel better. Butch was laying at his feet and curled up in a ball, nursing the bruise that would form on his side.

"Why are you such a moron? What happened to you right brain?" Brick hissed.

"C'mon Brick! I just wanted -hiss- revenge..."

Brick snorted. 

"Yeah, revenge. Painting a door red? I could fix that with a flic of my wand! No, the problem is who you recruited to help you!"

Once again, Blossom Utonium played his brothers and him. He wanted to fucking smash her skull.

"Wh-What's wrong with Butters?"

"You got people to pelt her with food and thought everything would be okay if you pretended to be her friend? No, you moron! She ratted on you to her bitchy sister to get on her good side!"

Butch paled even more. Yeah, the idiot had no idea that Buttercup didn't reciprocate his feelings. 

The Utoniums were cunning, he would give them that, and had his brothers wrapped around their fingers.

He fucking knew about Boomer's puppy crush!

"What? No way!" Butch cried out.

Rolling his eyes, he pulled Butch up to his feet and pushed him out into the basement hall.

"Go rest up, stupid oaf. You'll get back at Buttercup later."

Butch stumbled away, streaming curses at the middle sister.

Later, he watched Buttercup practically skip back to her rooms. Look who's plan worked.

Blossom reappeared behind him.

"Not sleeping?" She asked.

Despite her bitchy, smartass nature, she had a killer body. One he would gladly fuck. Only he wished she would drop that holier-than-thou thing she had going on.

"Why do you care?"

"I really don't. I just wish you would go sleep or do something productive besides laze around and bother everyone."

"Listen here you bi-"

But she walked off. He had no idea why he hated her at first, but after he saw her with the urn he noticed more and more unsavory details, like her anger.

He had no idea why he liked her at first. Pulling up her file, he added some more things.

She's resourceful and manipulative.

Acts like a stuck up bitch half of the time.

Her eyes turn a different shad of pink when she's happy. Lighter almost...

He noticed how he was getting off track, which was pretty obvious with her. Another thing he hated about Blossom. How she stole his focus and attention without meaning to.

Part One of the double updates! The next one will be longer, and just pure powerpuff fluff!!!

My cat Lucifer is sleeping on my lap so I need to stretch my arms above him just to type this story... Luci you silly boyy...

Soo.. I better get to work! I'm also updating Glass Half Empty today! Yay!

Okiee... bye..

Next Up: Everyone is going home! Everyone except three unfortunate students...

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