The Urn

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"Bloss, what happened here?" Buttercup asked tensely.

This was baaaaaad. Her toughest sister was nervous... and Bloss looked annoyed.

"Does it look like I know? Something is happening in this school, and it's not good."

The classroom was a mess. Chairs thrown to a side, desks overturned, papers flying around, bottles broken, and it was horrible.

A bottle, something from an old movies, with the scary mummies and Lara Croft, was laying on a table unharmed. As Buttercup went to examin it, Blossom stopped her.

"Do you know what that is?" She asked.

Buttercup spun around, irritation glistening in her eyes.

"No, but I assume your going to tell us."

Her sister was a genius, and that was for certain. Never before had someone ever doubted her words, well, Proffessor and Mom were exceptions.

"Sadly, no. This could be anything," Blossom admitted. 

Blossom didn't know? There was a first time for everything, but not now!

Waving her wand, the eldes sister summoned the artifact to her. This was baaaad...

"Maybe we should tell a Professor," Bubbles finally muttered. 

Both girls looked at her like she grew another head, and in their eyes she had. The two always wanted to play hero, and never let the authorities handle it.

"H-headmaster Dumbledor would want to know about this."

Buttercup scoffed and whispered 'crybaby'. Because keeping her sisters out of harm was childish   Behavior now.

"Bubbles... I think a professor did this, or at least knew about it. There is no other way someone could have gotten through security, gotten past all the teachers undetected, wrecked a classroom, and disposed a magical object without raising suspicion."  Blossom reasoned.

And she was right... this was supposed to be safe!

"Then who can we tell? I'm sorry, but or your safety I cannot just forget about this and let you guys run off!" Bubbles whispered urgently. 

"Let's take it to my dorm. I can smuggle you guys in, and we can inspect the relic." Blossom said.

There was a reason in these cases they let Blossom lead them. She was tough and strong, both physically and mentally. She put the team first, even when it killed her.

Coming home each night, wasted and high, only to see a struggling Blossom trying to keep their parents away, really made you feel selfish. 

Blossom pushed open the door to her room, and saw Princess had left a note.

Hey sister! So I have this party, and I hope you can come! I'm going to be back in an hour from tutoring with Dexter, soooo hot, so we can go dress shopping later!

A party full of rich and secretive individuals, easily manipulated and a good source of income, and possibly an answer to her problems.

Buttercup had left to go finish breakfast and 'toughen up' while Bubbles said she needed to get some last minute homework done. 

Stashing the urn in a drawer, Blossom chanted a transfiguration she learnt about. In its place, a silver necklace appeared. Time to get ready.

After lessons, Princess took her to a boutique for matching dresses.

After lessons, Princess took her to a boutique for matching dresses

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Guess who chose pink...

"So do you plan on bringing a date?" Princess asked.

Ahh, the question. She'd be lying if she said nobody asked her before. She was an Aphrodite along with her sisters, and she had crushes before. They just never worked out. 

Her parents were too controlling.

"Nah. I'll go stag tonight."

Princess gasped like it was the most horrific thing in the world, stag.

"Not on my watch, your not! As your best friend I will partner you up during spin the bottle!"

Spin the bottle was a Slytherin game. Obviously. Every Monday they played the game, and so far Blossom had found an excuse to avoid it.

"Um thanks."

That afternoon, Blossom, Princess, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Nickerson, Daniels, Sterling, and Brick all sat around the table.

"Everyone! I have a special announcement! Whomever lands on Blossom or me, not only gets a kiss, but takes us as out date to the party!" Princess announced.

"What if we don't want to?" asked Brick. 

Tch, typical.

The glare he sent his way told him his answer.

Draco went first, and naturally landed on himself. Wrapping his arms around his back, he pretended to engage in a deep makeout session. Pansy landed on Blaise, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Crabbe landed on Goyle, and everyone turned away as they kissed. Eww. Nickerson landed on Pansy, Daniels landed on Blaise, and Sterling landed on Crabbe.

Finally it was her turn. So far Brick and Draco, eh, hadn't kissed anyone yet, and that worried her. Fate better be kind to her. 

The bottle spun in slow motion as it landed on... 


Letting out a sigh of relief, she picked him on the cheek. 

Princess landed on Pansy on her first try, Goyle on her second, and the bush on her third.

Finally it sat on Brick.

Blossom looked away as her best friend and mortal enemy kissed. That was wrong on many levels.

So Blossy has a party now! How many thought I would make it land on Brick? Nope! So the urn is now a necklace that Blossom has on her, yet you don't know who wrecked the room and left it. 

Room 31 is almost over, and I think I'm putting Black Blood on hiatus. For a while. Two more stories are coming out.

Hint: Endgame...

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