6. Again - Part 1

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(Darshan Raval)

I was driving the car very fast. My blood was boiling in anger. Whenever the scenes of that incident were flashing in front of my eyes, I was increasing the speed of the car a little more. I didn't care about anything or anyone right now. I was lost in my anger when suddenly a girl came in front of my car. I somehow managed to control the speed of the car. After side cutting her, I stopped the car in a jolt. The girl fell on the road.

"Shit! What did I do.", I uttered under my breath and got down from the car and ran to the girl. She was sitting on the read while holding the wrist of her right hand. Her head was hung low.

"I'm so sorry. I just didn't see you. Did you get hurt anywhere?", I asked furiously.

She raised her face slowly and for the first time I saw her face. Her eyes were still closed, a drop of tear rolled down from them.

"My wrist is paining so much", after uttering these words she opened her eyes and saw me. I couldn't see anything without pain in her eyes.

"We have to go to the hospital. Let's go.", I helped her to get into the car and drove to the hospital.

* * *

I was sitting on the chair outside of the cabin in the hospital. She had a fracture near the wrist of her right hand. The doctor plastered her hand. I was feeling very guilty. She came out from the cabin. I stood up from my seat and went to her.

"Are you ok?", I asked tensely.

"Yeah!", she nodded slowly.

"Is it paining too much?"

"Not right now because they gave me painkillers."

"I'm really sorry. I...I...just..."

"It's ok Darshan", she looked at me and smiled painfully. "Can you do me a favour?", she asked.

"Of course, anytime."

"Then please drop me to my apartment."


* * *

She was trying to open the door by her left hand but she failed. So I took the key from her hand and opened the door of her apartment. I let her entered first then I entered. I shut the door behind and looked at the room. Everything was the same except the colours of the curtains. When I last saw them the colour was white and now it's blue. Coming here after almost a year was awkward, for both of us, after whatever we both went through or I guess I made her went through.

"Do you need water?", she was about to go to the kitchen but I stopped her.

"You sit. I can help myself"

She didn't protest and sat on the couch. I drank some water then took a glass for her also.

"Sana", I called her and she took the glass from me. She gulped the water slowly.

"Where is Sanjana?", I asked.
She looked at me and answered, "She is out of town!"

How would she manage to live here alone now? I looked at her cast then sat down on the couch next to her and leaned back. She was watching me silently.

"You can leave now", she said.

"I don't want to leave"

"Why?", she frowned.

"Because I have decided to stay. When will Sanjana return?"

"After two or three days"

"Okay then I'll stay here till then she comes."

"No need of that Darshan. I'll manage"

"I didn't ask you, I told you that I'll stay."

She smiled softly and said, "Fine. I can never win to you".

There was a silence for some moments. Because we both didn't know what to say. We met after 8 long months, after our break up. Things got changed between us, things got awkward between us. I never thought we would meet like this.

She broke the pin drop silence of the room.

"Thank you Darshan. You did a lot fo...."

It annoyed me. How could she say that? Because of me she got injured. I broke her hand. And after all this, she was saying THANK YOU??!!??

I stood up in a jerk and yelled, "STOP this Sana. PLEASE STOP!"
She got confused by my sudden reaction.

"You just met with an accident because of me. You have a freaking cast on your hand because of me. You got into this trouble because of me. And for what three weeks, after all these things you are still thanking me? For what? What is wrong with you? You should be yelling at me, screaming and shouting, swearing."

She smiled and looked down.
"Please don't smile like that. It's pissing me off more." I sat on my knees in front of her. "Stop being so nice to me please. I don't deserve that. Don't forgive me so easily. You have all the rights to get mad at me.", I said softly.

She again smiled and said, "You know I can't stay mad at you. And about that scream and shout thing, no I won't do that. Because I'm seeing you after 8 months Darshan. I don't want to create any bad memories of us anymore. We already have enough."

"But I already did. I already made a bad memory again.", I said and lowered my head.

"And I said it's ok. I'm fine. You don't have to feel guilty. It's just an accident."

She again pressed her warm smile. She stood up and went to her room.

"Go and sleep. It's already 12:30 am.", she shouted from her room because she knew I was still in the same position she left me.

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