The Confrontation (6)

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The big game was coming up in four days and Magnus was leaving that Friday morning. Alec was dealing with a whirlwind of emotions. He was terrified about his coming out after the game. He was sad that Magnus was leaving and he was happy for him because Paris is one of his favourite cities in the world. Jace had managed to be less of an asshole mainly because their parents returned and Isabelle had yelled at him.

The school was in spirit mode. People were wearing school sweaters and girlfriends were wearing their boyfriend's letterman jacket. School colours were decorating classrooms and lockers and the school's cafeteria. The football team spent all of last week on crunch mode, running drills as if their lives depended on it. Alec's entire body was aching by the following Monday but from now until Friday the team was on rest.

After school, Alec went home which was unusual. Usually he was at school until six, or at Magnus's, but today he was shopping with his best friend Caterina. They were both going to Paris together. Caterina was the only person Magnus told about their relationship, and Alec had met her twice. The three of them had actually gone to dinner together and went to the park afterwards only a few weeks ago. She was really cool and they got along well with each other.

"Why are you shopping before you go to Paris? Aren't you just going to go shopping

while you're in France?" Alec had asked Magnus the other day. He just laughed at him

and booped Alec's nose.

"You are so cute, my Alexander," was all he said back to him.

Alec got home and the house was empty. He didn't know what to do. It felt weird. All his teachers were told not to give him homework until after the game so he actually had nothing to do. It felt great to have the house to himself. He laid on the couch and turned on the television. He began flipping through the channels and after a few seconds of flipping, it landed on Project Runway. Alec paused. Maybe he would watch the first few minutes. After about thirty minutes, Alec was completely invested in the makeovers they were giving the models.

"No! That is so ugly. You have ruined that poor girl's hair!" He shouted at the tv. With his attention completely captivated by the show, he hadn't noticed Isabelle walk through the door.

"Hi." Alec said, turning the tv off.

"Hi," she replied, muffling a laugh. "Is anyone else home?" she asked looking around. He shook his head.

"Good, because I wanted to talk to you about something." She moved to join him on the sofa.

"Is it Simon? Because I swear to God if he--"

"No, Alec! Simon is sweet! Don't you hurt him," she warned him. "I actually wanted to talk to you about... you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, um... Do you remember last Monday when we were talking in the parking lot?"


"Well, um... so I lost my earring."

"You lost your earring? What does that have to do with me?"

"No-- I mean, I lost my earring so I went looking for it and I couldn't find it so--"

"So buy a new pair."

"No-- I saw you," she finally just spat out. Alec looked at her still not understanding what she was talking about. "I saw you..." Alec motioned for her to elaborate. "I saw you... and Magnus." Alec didn't know what she meant until it hit him. He had forgotten what happened that day. His eyes grew wide.

"You--" Alec flung himself off the couch onto his feet. Isabelle tried to calm him down. "You--you can't tell anyone, Izzy!"

"Alec, calm down!"

"Oh my god." Alec wanted to curl up into a ball and sink into the ground right at that very moment.

"Alec! Alec--" Isabelle stood up and grabbed his wrist. "Hey, calm down." He finally made eye contact with her. Her eyes were soft and they looked kind. Those were not the eyes he expected to see. "Alec, don't worry about it. It's fine. You're fine. I'm fine with it. Don't freak out on me." Alec dropped onto the sofa, he was feeling a bit lightheaded.

"You're fine... with me... you know."

"Yes. Of course! Why wouldn't I be!" Alec didn't answer her. He could list a hundred reasons he thought she might not be 'fine' with it. "I think you too are cute together. Also I agree, if Simon called me 'sweet pea' or 'love muffin' I would punch him." Alec laughed.

"Trust me, he knows how I feel about those names."

"He suggest any new ones?" she asked, sitting back down.

"He's tried 'angel face' and 'sweetness'." Isabella lost it laughing and Alec joined in.

"So is he who you've been with for two months?" Alec blushed and nodded. "My god Alec! You've been dating longer than Clary and Jace and me and Simon! Holy shit! How serious are things?"

"What do you mean?" Alec asked, shifting in his spot.

"Like, have you said 'I love you'?" Alec paused. Now that he was thinking about it, they didn't.


"But do you?" she asked. Alec had thought about this question though.

"Yes." Isabelle squealed with excitement. "Oh my god, Alec! That's amazing!"

"There's also this..." Alec reached for the chain around his neck and pulled it out from under his shirt. It was a silver chain with a silver key dangling off it.

"Is that--"

"It's a key to his place..." Isabelle looked like she was about to pass out with excitement for him.

"How long have you had it?"

"I don't remember when I got it. Some point in the first month."

"Oh, Alec, that boy loves you."

"Do you think so?"

"Are you dumb? Do you think so? What kind of stupid question is that? Of course he does! He gave you a key to his house! He trusts you with his house!"

"And his cat. I have to take care of his cat while he's gone." Alec didn't know why he was telling Izzy all this. It was as if it was all the millions of things he wanted to tell her through their relationship was falling out of his mouth now.

"You two are practically married. Alright, you've just made everyone in the world jealous of your relationship."  

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