Sweet and Bitter (17)

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Everyone in Alec's room got booted out by Tessa in the midst of rushing nurses and running doctors. Each looked determined and each one had a job to fulfil. Tessa sent them all to the waiting room, before heading back in. Isabelle and Jace sat in their normal seat, which had practically become theirs over the last week. Magnus didn't sit with them. He instead stood near the entrance of the waiting room, leaning against the wall. After a few minutes, Tessa walked past him to retrieve something from a trolley and she placed a light hand on his face. She said a few more words to him as she slipped on a new pair of rubber gloves and left down the hall again.

"I'll be right back," Isabelle said, getting up and moving towards her brother's boyfriend. "Magnus?" she called to him.

"Hmm?" he said, turning his head over his shoulder.

"You... you brought him back." Magnus looked taken aback by her comment.

"I didn't do anything," he defended. Magnus turned his head back around to look down the hallway. Isabelle moved to stand in front of him.

"I'm sure it wasn't just a coincidence," she argued. "I'm pretty sure he heard your voice and woke up." Magnus looked as if he wanted to argue with her logic. Instead, he just gave her a nod in appreciation, but Isabelle knew he didn't believe it.

"You know," Isabelle began, "now you and I are practically best friends." Magnus laughed.

"Thank you for letting me know. I know people who aren't as supportive as you, and even had they known about Alec and me, wouldn't have bothered."

"Alec consider you family. That's all I ever wanted for him. He's been sad and hiding in himself for years. I never knew why until I finally stopped beginning so selfish and actually paid attention to him. I... he felt like he could never be himself and you made him feel like he could. All I ever want is him to be happy and he is with you so..." she adjusted her stance, "If you hurt my brother, I will hurt you," she said with a smile, before punching his arm. Magnus smiled at her and she walked back to Jace.

"So..." he began when she sat down. "Alec and Magnus..."

"Are dating? Yup and you'd never guess it but, they've been together before you and Clary were a thing." Jace looked shocked.

"So he's been hiding it longer than we thought?" Isabelle smiled proudly. "I've taught him well," Jace said taking the credit. She punched his shoulder. "OW!"

"Alec is happy so don't you dare---"

"Iz, do you really think I care?" Jace said, sounding actually offended. "I don't care that he's gay. I don't care about Magnus... although, he could have done better--" Isabelle punched him again. "OW!" Isabelle sat triumphantly in her chair. Their conversation was cut short when they heard their names being called. 

"Isabelle, Jace!" They looked up to see Maryse and Robert Lightwood walking into the waiting room, past Magnus and stalked towards them.

"Mom, Dad. You came," she said drily. Jace didn't seem any happier to see them. Isabelle wanted them to come, to show how much they cared. She wanted them to act like the parents but having had to force them to come, left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Where is he?"

"Alec? He's in his room," she said bitterly. She didn't even want to tell them he was waking up. She wanted them to show even an ounce of compassion. "You can't go in there right now. They're running tests on him. You'll have to wait here with us." Isabelle motioned for them to sit. They sighed and took two seats next to Isabelle. They sat in silence for next three hours.

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