Mr. Meow (12)

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Isabelle arrived at Magnus' apartment at one in the morning. She was lucky that he hadn't moved because she went out on a limb and drove to the same place he threw his cat's birthday party at. She found parking on the street in front of the door and walked into the building. The door led to an open foyer with a wooden staircase leading to multiple floors of lofts. She climbed up until she got to Magnus' door and let herself in with Alec's key. Inside she found a completely differently styled room then back in August. The sofa and loveseats were the same gray as before but the walls were re-painted a soft light blue. There were some new pieces of artwork hanging on the walls which just made the loft look... different. Isabelle knew only a little bit about Magnus' past. She knew he was an orphan and she knew he got his money from some family member's will but that all everyone pretty much knew. She bet Alec knew more but if he did, he never mentioned it to her and it wasn't her place to ask about Magnus' traumatic childhood. She locked the door behind herself and took her shoes off. She slipped the key into her pocket, and set off to look for the cat. While she looked, she studied the living room. She didn't want to snoop but she was curious. Magnus was like a mysterious figure at their school. He was fairly well known and liked around the student population but no one really knew him other than a few of his friends and Alec. Izzy noted that he threw amazing parties every now and then and definitely had a fashion sense.

Isabelle walked passed the living room and began to call out to the cat.

"Here kitty!" Isabelle realized she didn't know the cat's name or what it looked like. It hadn't been present for it's own party which she had found a little odd. Magnus had told them that it had run away but that all she remembered from that night. She was too drunk to actually recall details. "Come on cat! It's late and I'm in emotional distress so if you can make my life easier and just stop hiding that would be great!" she shouted.

Isabelle opened the first door she saw, it led to a bathroom. No cat. The next one was a closet and the last one she tried was, what she assumed, was Magnus' bedroom. The door was cracked open a bit, so she poked her head in. Under the bed she could see a tail poking out.

"There you are!" She called as she walked into the room and looked under the bed. A little tabby cat was curled on the rug under the bed sleeping. She sat on the floor and sighed.

"Ugh, I wish I could sleep too. Come out from under there so I can feed you." The cat opened an eye and then closed it again. Isabelle huffed and blew a piece of hair out of her face, which had fallen out of her ponytail. Isabelle had just realized she was still in her cheerleading uniform. "Come on kitty. I want to go home and get changed. Faster we do this, the faster I leave." Isabelle looked around the room. It was very neatly organized save for a makeup table which was covered in powders and brushes. Isabelle stood up, using the bedside table as leverage and in doing so, she knocked over a picture frame. She picked it up to straighten it and stopped. The picture was of Alec smiling as he read a book on the grass. He wasn't looking at the camera, he didn't seem to know it was there. He was focused on the book in front of him. His hair was blowing in the breeze and he was leaned up against a tree. She smiled as she sat it back up on the table. She noticed another photo was of her brother and Magnus kissing. Someone else had taken the photo a few feet away. It must have been recent, there were leaves on the ground around them and they both were wearing scarves and hats. Alec had his arms wrapped around the taller boy's neck and they seemed to be kissing in the midst of laughing. They were both smiling against each other's lips. Magnus had one arm around Alec's waist and the other was held out towards the camera as if telling the photographer to not to take a photo of them. Isabelle put the second photo down and realized the cat had emerged from under the bed.

"Good. Are you hungry?" She asked the cat as she picked it up. "You are a..." She looked. "A boy." She then read its tag. "Chairman Meow," she laughed. "Alright Mr. Meow how about we get you some food?" The cat purred. "I should probably introduce myself shouldn't I? I'm Isabelle and I will be your replacement care giver for the week or whatever. You'd better be nice to me, because I control your fate now, Mr. Meow."

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