The Secret (1)

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Alexander Lightwood was referred to as a "jock" around school even though he didn't see himself as one. Alec thought that that title had a stereotypical connotation to it, and he didn't like it when people assumed he was the stereotypical description of a "jock". Alexander Lightwood wasn't necessarily "dumb" or immature. He was top of his class in most subject and preferred to refrain from uncomfortable topics of discussion. Alec also wasn't mean or arrogant. He preferred not to draw too much attention to himself, staying out of trouble and not going to any parties. He especially didn't chase after the cheerleaders, nor did he want to. Alexander Lightwood wasn't a "jock", he was just a guy who played sports and wore, from time-to-time, a letterman jacket.

"See you at practice, Lightwood!" Jordan Kyle, the captain of his football team shouted to him, as they passed each other in the hallway. Alec smiled and nodded at him, before turning down a different corridor and lost sight of him. As he passed the gym doors, a few girls from the soccer team waved at him, and one of them flipped him off. Isabelle Lightwood, Alec's younger sister, was on the soccer team, the volleyball team, the the cheer squad. Alec himself did a lot of sport too. He played football, soccer and he was on the swim team. He waved at her and she rolled her eyes back at him before walking out of his view. He climbed the stairs of the school, to the third floor to find his locker.

School had already ended for the day and he needed to grab his gym bag before he was late to practice. Since it was a Friday past three o'clock, the halls were silent. Not a single soul was walking around, except the custodian and a few teachers milling around.

As he made it to his locker, he passed one remaining kid in the hallway. She looked at him before stopping.

"Hey, Alec," she said confidently as she ran her hands through her brown hair.

"I'm sorry," he began, "but I don't know you."

"Give me a call and we can fix that." She winked at him as she pushed a scrap of paper into his hand. She walked passed him and made her way down the staircase. He laughed to himself, as he continued to his locker, stuffing the paper into his pocket.

As Alec began to put away his textbooks on the top shelf of his locker, he heard a familiar voice.

"Alexander." He looked up, and leaning against a locker a few down from his, was Magnus Bane. Alec smiled at him and kept putting his books and binders away.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you have to be getting ready for Malcolm's party tonight?" Alec grabbed his bag from the hook and shut his locker. He turned to face Magnus, who had moved closer to him. They were standing inches apart.

"I have plenty of time to make it there fashionably late, darling."

"Mmm, I forgot how much you love to make people wait." Magnus laughed.

"I was late once to dinner, Alexander and you never let me forget it."

"You were also 'fashionably' late to your cat's birthday party, at your own house!"

"Yes well, what can I say? I'm a whore for attention." Magnus leaned down an inch or two and kissed Alec, pressing him against the locker door. Alec and Magnus had been secretly dating for almost two months. Alec wasn't ready to come out yet, and Magnus had been patient with him.

As Magnus's hand slipped into Alec's backpocket of his jeans, Alec reached up and placed his hand on the back of his boyfriend's neck.

"What's this?" Magnus muttered against Alec's lips. He cracked an eye open, and saw the scrap of paper the girl had given him a few minutes ago.

"Jealous?" Alec asked, jokingly.

"Yes, very." Magnus whispered, as he crumpled up the paper and tossed it aside before kissing Alec one more time. When they finally broke apart, Magnus asked, "What are you doing after practice?"


"Well look at that!" Magnus said, with a twinkle in his eye. "My schedule has cleared itself!"

"You're not going to go to Malcolm's anymore?" Alec asked swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"What is more fashionably late, then not showing up at all! Keep'em waiting Alexander, that's what I always say! So... my place then?" Alec nodded, his cheeks turning pink. He checked his phone for the time and groaned.

"I'm late. Coach is going to make me run another ten laps." Magnus smirked.

"Then I'll have him to thank for my muscularly toned boyfriend," he exclaimed, patting Alec's chest.

"I know you probably didn't, but I can't help but feel as if you planned this."

"Honestly, Alec!" He pretended to be offended. "I am shocked that you would think that I would calculate how long it would take for you to make it from your last period class, up to the third floor, and cross reference that with what time your practice started and then figured out how long I had to kiss you, for you to be late."

"You're right, you're not that smart." Magnus hit his arm. Alec smiled, kissed Magnus's cheek. They said their goodbyes and Alec bit his lip, "I'll see you tonight." Magnus winked at him and they went their separate ways. Alec was late to warm up, and coach did make him run extra laps, but it was worth it. The entire time he was running he couldn't help but smile to himself. That afternoon's practice felt as if it lasted forever.

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