Epilogue (20)

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"Magnus!" Alec shouted for him. He raced around the corner of their loft half expecting a fire or a flood. Instead he found Alec sitting on the floor with their two children attacking him. Max, their youngest, and Rafael, their eldest were giggling as they jumped on their dad. Magnus started laughing. Alec turned his head. "This is not funny, Magnus!" He knew Alec didn't mean that, because he too was laughing. "Why don't you try helping me!" Just as he was walking over, there was a knock at their door.

"Oops! Sorry, Alec! I've got to get the door!" Alec groaned and laid on the floor in defeat. Magnus chuckled as he went to the door. He made the mistake of opening the floodgates because in poured all the Lightwoods. "Oh, darling, look. It's your entire family. How unexpected and definitely unwarranted." The kids looked up from attacking Alec.

"Uncle Simon!" The two shouted, bypassing Jace's outstretched arms for Simon. Jace hung his head in shame.

"How can this be. THE UNIVERSE IS CRUEL!" Jace shouted in defeat. Simon looked over at Jace with triumph. Clary and Isabelle laughed at their fiances.

"Our sons can see through your charm," Magnus said.

"Yeah and see who the best uncle really is!" Simon told Jace.

"I would go that far, Sherman," Magnus added.

"What are you guys going here?" Alec asked, getting up off the floor and walking over.

"We wanted to say goodbye before you leave!" Isabelle explained. 

He and Alec were going on a trip to Paris, since Magnus hadn't really experienced it when he went in high school because of the whole 'in a coma' thing. They were dropping the kids off with Maryse and Robert, who had become more supportive over the years, for a week while they went to France. Magnus had to admit, although he would never tell the Lightwoods this, he really did think of them as family. Their support meant a lot to Magnus and meant the world to Alec. Magnus didn't think that five years ago, his hope of being with Alec for the rest of his life was a viable option. He remembered sitting by Alec's side while he was in a coma. He remembered telling him all of his life plans that included Alec. But never thought they would come true. It was like a fairytale how everything played out. It could have easily been a tragedy. Alec could have died. Alec could have woken up and broken it off with Magnus. Something could have gone horribly wrong but it didn't. Magnus felt like he had someone to thank for it all. He didn't know if it was God, or the universe or fate or fairy godmothers, but he needed to thank someone for making his life perfect.

The Lightwoods all moved to sit on the couches but Magnus stopped Alec.

"What's wrong?" he asked, searching Magnus' face.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making my life perfect."

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