Jace's Lament (11)

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"I have to feed a cat," Isabelle said nonchalantly as she left the hospital room.

"What cat? We don't have a cat!" he called after her, but she was already too far to hear him. Jace shook his head and looked down at Alec. He looked peacefully asleep. Jace took Isabelle's seat next to the bed and he put his hands on the arm rests.

"So... apparently Dr. Carstairs says you can hear me. If you can, don't think I'm done giving you the silent treatment. I'm still mad at you. I mean..." Jace took a breath. "I'm mad at you because you're changing. Before, I mean, you used to tell me everything and now you're keeping secrets from me? You never did that before. You're sneaking out and-- I'm supposed to be the one who sneaks out at night to see Clary and stays out late without explanation. You used to be the good guy. What happened? You used to... you needed me before. You would hang out with me and we would do everything together but you're different now. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing. You seem... happier but it's still different." The wind outside blew loudly, shaking the trees outside Alec's window. Jace sighed and leaned back in the chair.

"What bugs me the most is that you don't trust me enough to tell me who you're with. I know the look in your eyes because it's the same look that I have with Clary and, never tell him this, but it the look Simon has with Isabelle. I just-- it hurts to know that my brother-- my best friend doesn't trust me enough to tell me who he's seeing. Is it because you don't think I'd like her? Are you scared about something? Is she pregnant? I swear to God Alec if you knocked up some chick and you die and leave me with child support I will be really angry. Like 'dig you up from your grave, bring you back to life so I can kill you again' angry." Jace laughed at his own joke.

"Come on, Alec. I thought I was the dramatic one. I know you are just dragging this out because you're mad at me for being... an ass." Isabelle had gone up to him four days ago and pulled him aside at home. She hit him and said,

"I see the fuck-up fairy has visited you again. You have about as many brain cells as a rock you dumbass," and then she proceeded to cuss him out for hurting Alec's feelings.

"Alec just-- I'm sorry. You know that right? I'm just worried okay? Promise me you'll tell me what's going on with you when you wake up?" As he said that, the wind outside picked up again and whistled passed the window. "I'm going to take that as a yes. Good, now that we've gotten our gooshy feelings out of the way, we can talk about my gooshy feelings about Clary. I was thinking, now stop me if you think this is a bad idea, but I was thinking of getting her a promise ring." Jace waited for an objection but Alec didn't move. "You know, I like this silent Alec. You know, nobody here to call me a 'dumbass' except for Isabelle," he grumbled. "Anyways, I wasn't thinking about giving it to her now, because you know, you're being a dramatic baby and not waking up. So I'm going to hold off on it for a few more weeks and hopefully you realized your performance is less than Oscar worthy and you'll cut the crap." Again no response. "But seriously Alec, everyone is worried about you. Isabelle is going crazy. She thinks we have a cat all of the sudden and mom and dad are probably losing their minds. Clary and Simon they care too and I bet this girlfriend of yours also cares about you, so you've got to wake up." Jace waited a few minutes but Alec didn't move an inch. He sighed and leaned his head back to see if he could catch some sleep. 

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