Sleeping Beauty (9)

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Isabelle was at the game when it all happened.

"Izzy! We're going to be late, if you don't hurry up!" Simon shouted at her, from the doorway. Isabelle was trying to text Alec, but he wasn't answer her messages.

"Coming!" She groaned, as she tossed her phone into her purse and ran down the stairs.

Simon was standing by the door with Clary, his best friend and Jace's girlfriend. Clary and Isabelle were both on the cheerleading squad and had a warm up thirty minutes prior to the game.

"Hey, Clary." Isabelle said, as she slipped on her shoes. "Have you guys talked to Jace? Or Alec?"

"I called Jace but he said that he had to go. The coach wanted to talk to them or something," Clary shrugged.

"Alec hasn't been answering my messages."

"Is something wrong?" Simon asked. Isabelle grabbed her keys from her purse.

"No," she lied. Simon squinted at her, but didn't press any further.

They had made it to the football game on time, and Simon had found his seats in time for the coin toss. The girls had their team warm up and ran onto the field, leading the football team onto the grass. She had tried to find Alec before the game but she could get to him.

The entire game was going smoothly, but everything went wrong in the last few seconds. Everything that happened, happened in slow motion for Isabelle. Isabelle was seated on a bench, on the side of the field with the rest of the cheerleaders She had her attention split between Alec and Jace the entire game but her eyes were on Alec during the last push. That was when she saw Alec fall and not get up. She jumped to her feet. She felt Clary rise next to her and grabbed her arm. Alec wasn't moving on the ground and people started to surround him. She saw Jace throw off his helmet and run towards their brother. The coach also ran for the field and Izzy couldn't just stand there.

"Izzy! There are lots of people already and the paramedics," Clary was telling her. "Stay here, they'll deal with it." Isabelle ignored her friend's advice and took off to her brother's side. She pushed her way through players and coaches.

"Move! That's my brother!" she was screaming at the people crowding around him. She made it through everyone and dropped to her knees at his head. Jace was already there and taking off his helmet.

"Alec?" she called. His face was battered, his nose was bleeding

"Hey, stay awake, Alec!" Jace shouted at him. Isabelle's eyes were tearing up, as they began to move him to the stretcher and carried him off the field. Jace wrapped his arm around her and she muffled a sob.

"What if he's not okay, Jace?" Jace just hugged her tighter.


Isabelle was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital with Jace, Clary and Simon. She was laying down, with her head in Simon's lap. It had been over three hours without any news from the doctors. Isabelle rode in the ambulance with Jace to the hospital. They were doing CPR on Alec because after they loaded him into the ambulance, they couldn't find a pulse. Isabelle had pressed her face into Jace's chest, trying to not look at the horrifying scene playing out in front of her.

About thirty minutes later, the doctor came into the waiting area.

"Are the parents or guardians of Alexander Lightwood, here?" Isabelle, sat up.

"No, um, our parents are flying back. I'm his sister--"

"I'm his brother," Jace added. 

"I'm your brother's doctor, Dr. Carstairs," the doctor introduced himself. He called them aside and led them into an empty room.

"Alexander is unresponsive," the doctor began. "The paramedics were able to restart his pauls but he went ten minutes without oxygen to the brain. That is a long time."

"What are you saying?" Jace asked.

"You're brother is in a coma."

"Do you think he'll wake up?" Isabelle asked.

"He received blunt force trauma to his head, but his helmet seems to have stopped further brain damage. If he does wake up soon, he may be fine and may only have to possibility of a minor case of amnesia. However if he goes for too long, he may have more brain damage. It's hard for us to say for sure, so I wouldn't lose hope yet."

Jace and Izzy left the room feeling sick. They explained what was happening to Simon and Clary and they both took it about the same way. Clary looked like she was about to cry. Simon got that look on his face that was a mixture of wanting to be strong for everyone else and sadness. Jace took Clary into his arms and they stayed like that for a few minutes. Simon pulled Izzy into his lap and she pressed her face into his neck and cried silently. The nurse came by to check on them after thirty minutes and told them that they could seem him. She said that only family could go, but they convinced her to let them all in. The teenagers filed into Alec's hospital room which was quiet, save for the beeping of his monitor.

"He looks awful," Izzy whispered, looking at Alec. He looked as battered as the first time she saw him. He was wearing an oxygen mask and seemed to be breathing. His heartbeat was steady but like the doctor said, he was unresponsive. The doctor had told them that Alec could probably hear them, so he said they should speak to him but no one did. They were silent.

Sleeping Beauty: A Malec Fairytale #2Where stories live. Discover now