Part 3

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It was the day that you least wanted to come. You were going to be with Steve doing the show for service men and doing other stuff that in reality you didn't enlist for while Bucky was going into war. At the base Steve, Bucky and you arrive, there you saw a lot of families saying goodbye to their loved one and it broke your heart little by little cause you knew you and Bucky were going to be separated. 

The moment came where you and Bucky were going to be separated, "I'll see you there y/n and take care Buck" Steve said and saying goodbye to Bucky, leaving you and Bucky some time alone. You just hold onto Bucky really tight, "I love you always remember that y/n" he said kissing your temple, "I will and I love you too with my whole heart" you said with tears on your eyes and he just continue holding you, "promise me that you will come for me" you said looking at his eyes and he cupped your face, "even if I'm dead I will come for you doll" he said and kissed your hand where you have the ring. 

A bell started to ring and it was time to go, you and Bucky where holding onto each other, "Sergeant Barnes is time to go and bring your bags" another soldier told him and the signal the soldier to wait, "take care and write every day, Bucky" you kissed him, " I will" he said, "I love you Bucky with my whole heart and I will be waiting for you" you said and he hugs you. " I will doll," he said as he waves goodbye to you. Tears started rolling down your cheek and Steve came and hug you as you saw your husband go to war.

It's been a month and every week you received letters from Bucky as he did receive your, that make you feel more close to Bucky even though you guys were miles apart. On the letters he didn't only send you the experiences he sends you little stuff that he considered that you would like, you already had a lot of stuff that he sends you and you had it saved on a box where you had more memories from before the war. 

Months had passed and you started to get a weird feeling that something happened to Bucky, he stopped writing too and that was like a warning that something was wrong 'cause he wrote you every day, also all the letters that you send sent back at you. You asked Peggy Carter if she could help you find out what's going on with Bucky and she accepted. While on tour in Italy performing for the servicemen. Steve and you learned that Bucky's unit was missing in action (MIA) after performing and you were in shock, " I knew something was wrong, I felt it on my heart" you said touching were your heart is. " you know he's probably dead" someone said and you and Steve snap, but you were going to punch that person, but Steve stopped you, "JUST LEAVE!!" Steve scream at that person. 

You and Steve refused to believe that he is dead since the moment that they told you and him. "I'll find him y/n and bring him alive," he said as he put his right hand on your shoulder, "you are not doing this alone, I'm coming with you," you said looking at him and he agreed with your decision. You and Steve gear up for battle. Howard Stark and Peggy flew Steve and you behind enemy lines to mount a duo rescue attempt.

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