Part 12

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It's been exactly a month and you were worried about Steve because you certainly knew that he thought that you were dead, but you really wanted to live the life that you and Bucky never had the chance to. One day Bucky and you went out to take a walk and while walking by a shop window something caught your attention, it was a broadcast, "ON THE AVENGERS TOWER TONY STARK AND THE REST OF THE AVENGERS ARE HAVING A MEMORIAL FOR THE FALLEN MEMBER Y/N Y/L/N" the news reporter said and you look in amusement, "what happened ?" Bucky asked you as he saw your face, "we have to go" you said looking at him as he nodded and you grabbed his left hand and pull him towards the certain street, he follows you without even asking. You and he arrived at a familiar place, from around your neck you pull out a necklace that had Steve's, Bucky's and yours military tags and a key to the apartment that you shared with Steve. 

Bucky waited for you at the entrance of the apartment while you entered to Steve's room and left a note, "Dear Steve, I'm alive, but I can't be here with you I need to resolve something before I'm able to come back. I'm sorry Steve, you know I'm just a called away if you need me to call me at (651)249-5967, I'll come to help and if you want to tell the others is okay. If you decide to never forgive me from what I did I won't get angry I'll understand. Take care Steve, find someone, be happy my best friend and partner in justice. Love, Y/n Barnes. XO" you place the note on his nightstand and on top of it one of your tags from the war so he will know is really you. You went to your room to get something really important for you, " Bucky?" You called his name and he came into the room that you were in, "can you help me lift up the bed?" You asked him, "yes," he said and with his left hand lifted the best like nothing and you were able to grab a box from the floor under the bed, like nothing Bucky placed the bed down and you look at him, "what! It was like lifting a pillow" he said and you chuckle while smile. You and Bucky got out of the apartment without being noticed and as both went to the crowded streets hand on hand, you and him disappear among the people.

It was really late and Steve came back from the memorial that was on New York to found an empty apartment like in the past weeks, his eyes were puffy from crying, tired and sad, he wasn't the same since you were gone. Every night he checked the voice mail to to listen to your voice, "you are calling Steve Rogers and Y/n Y/l/n leave a message after the tone...Steve are you sure this thing is recording I don't think it is, but oh well" he laugh as he remembered how you and him spended a whole day trying to do the voice mail and how he lefted the way that you did it because it was funny for him. He had a long day, he went to New York and came back to Washington on the same day, so he decided to go to his room and lay in his bed. He closed his eyes and placed his phone on the nightstand next to his bed and as he did he hear something fell from it. He sat up and looked around the floor then under his bed, where he found your tag, he looked up and saw the note laying under his phone, he read the note and as he did a huge smile grew on his face. 

His feeling of guilt were slowly disappearing, but the feeling of concerned started to grow; he had a lot of questions like; how did you survived?, were you the one that took him out of the water?, were you in danger, injured or something worse?, were you alone or with someone?, what's the thing that doesn't lets you come back?; he had so many questions that he wanted the answer to, to the point that he felt tempted to call you. He grabbed his phone and started to dial number after number, suddenly he closed his phone, "only on emergencies Steve, give her time" he said to himself. He opened his phone again, but this time he added your number to his contacts, "I hope she's safe" Steve said aloud as he turn off his phone and place it on the nightstand. He lay on his bed to close his eyes and as he did he has a flashback from the day that you and him met, "hello" he hear a younger version of yourself said to a younger version of himself, "hi" he hear himself said with a sad tone, you sat down next to him, "want one" he hear you offering him an apple, "thanks" he hear himself said and saw how he took the apple, "this means we are best friends now"you said and shake his hand, "I'm Y/n" you said, "I'm Steve" said and his flashback ended. Since that day you and Steve became best friends and later on Bucky was added to your friends circle.

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