Part 10

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At the Triskelion where the helicarriers are being held. Pierce meets the World Security Council not knowing Natasha was disguised as one of them. Steve, you and Sam are in charge to take down the helicarriers, but before Steve informs the SHIELD agents that HYDRA has taken over SHIELD and STRIKE. The 3 of you make their way to the helicarriers, Steve and you went to one and Sam went to the other, "two down, one to go" Maria Hill says. Suddenly the Winter Soldier appears and starts firing at the SHIELD agents and pilots killing them all, after which he gets into one of the jets and flies off. 

From one helicarrier you jumped and landed on the last one, Sam flies Steve onto the last helicarrier when suddenly the Winter Soldier appears and pushes Steve off the edge, "Steve!!" You and Sam scream at the same time, you run to see if you could try to save Steve and Sam goes to help him too, but the Winter Soldier rips off one of Sam's wings, while you help Steve as he pulls himself up. You hug Steve as he gets on his feet, while Bucky watches both from above the helicarrier. Both were in as Bucky stepped in front of both blocking the way, "people are gonna die Buck. We can't let that happen" Steve said as you and he were ready to fight Bucky, "please don't make us do that" you said,  seeing Bucky won't back down Steve throws his shield at him and both start battling Bucky. As you were fighting Bucky, Steve manages to bring up the targeting blade system, but Bucky notices, hits you and you fall to the floor as he goes and attacks Steve making the chip fall from his hand, "Y/n!! Go for it!" Steve scream trying to stop Bucky, you jumped and went for the chip. Bucky stabs Steve on the shoulder with his knife and goes after you, you battle Bucky for a little time until Steve grabs Bucky throwing him down, break his arm and hold onto his throat until he passes out. 

Steve runs to you and both try to get back up to the helicarriers system when Bucky becomes conscious and shoots Steve in the left thigh and you on the right shoulder, still both managed to climb up, "30 seconds, guys!" Maria said, "stand by" Steve answer. You get the chip out and Bucky shoots you in the stomach two times abd you fall,but giving Steve the chip. He manages to fet the chil in the helicarrier targeting blade overriding the system and locking ut down, "okay guys get out of there" Maria said, "fire now!" Steve said as he kneels to help you, "but..." She said , "DO IT! DO IT NOW!" You saud in pain from the shoots. The helicarriers open fire on each other; you and Steve still inside, he helps you up and both look down to see Bucky below both of you. Both help Bucky out from being trapped under some fallen rubble, "you know me Bucky!" You said hoping he will remember you, "NO I DON'T!!" Bucky said lashing out at you in anger, making you hit your head losing conscience. "Bucky, you've known us your whole life. Your name is James Buchanan Barnes" Steve said trying to distract Bucky to get away from you, Bucky hita Steve when he truns to face him, but Steve doesn't fight back and tajes off his mask and drops his shield out the helicarrier. "I'm not gonna fight you, you're my friend" Steve said as Bucky has him on the ground and starts to punch him repeatedly, until he looks at Steve as if he's remembering, when Steve's body falls from the helicarrier.

 You were still unconscious when you felt water dripping on your face abd you recover consciousness as you saw Steve fall into tge river while you scream "STEVE!!!" and try to stand up, Bucky turns and goes after you as you drag yourself away from him. He punches you several times, but you weren't fighting anymore, you just try and succeed to stand up to face him, "YOU ARE MY MISSION!" he scream punching you making you fall on your knees, "then what are we waiting for, finish it" you said and he grabbed you by the neck and starts to choke you. "I'm sorry Bucky" you said with tears on your eyes as he tightened his grip and with your left hand where you still had your ring you caressed his face, "I love you Bucky with my whole heart" you managed to say before you lost consciousness again.

As your body became lose, Bucky's face softened and he looked at your face as if he's remembering you, then suddenly he lets go of your neck and your body fall to the ground. He lower himself to look at you closely, he notices the tears from your face and wipes them from your motionless body as tears start to run down his face, "y...y/n" he said and the bottom of the helicarrier falls with you on it as Bucky watched.

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