Part 18

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Suddenly something started to beap, "FRIDAY, what's going on?" Tony said and Steve approach him that she found a heartbeat, "what's going on Tony?" Steve asked him in concern, "she's alive, there's a heartbeat" Tony said as Bucky wiped his tears and looked at Tony. Steve kneel next to you just like Bucky as Tony try to figure out a way to wake you up, when suddenly a man's voice in German was heard throughout the room, Bucky was too focused on you to notice that those words were just like the ones that turn him into the Winter Soldier. Steve stood up looking around to figure out where the voice was coming from, out of nowhere you opened your eyes grabbing Bucky's metal arm and throwing him against the wall. With one jump you were up and facing Tony, Steve, and Bucky, but they were unknown to you, they were just your mission, "y/n?" Steve said, "who the hell is y/n? I'm lethal" you said looking at them, "oh god, she's another Winter Soldier," Tony said as he prepared his suit. With one kick, you send Steve to the wall. Bucky tries to punch you with his metal arm, but you stop it with your bare hands and he looked amused for the amount of strength you had; Tony blasted you making you fall and stop holding Bucky. 

It was the 3 of them against you, but you were stronger and faster than them. None of them wanted to hurt you, because still, you were y/n the person that all of them love and care about, but there was something different your eyes, you could tell by just looking at them, they lost the sparkle that they used to have and now they only showed emptiness and darkness. Tony was about to blast you, but you grabbed Steve's shield making it reflect and hit Tony and Bucky, you threw the shield and without looking behind, you felt Steve who was standing there, he grabbed you by your torso, but you swing your legs over Steve's head and threw him to the floor. 

Then somehow they had you on the floor, "I'm sorry" Steve said as he hit you on your head with tears in his eyes, while Bucky was holding your arms. You started to kick to free yourself and Steve move to hold your legs, but you kept fighting "y/n please stop" Bucky pleaded as Tony put some electroshocks on your head to shock you to be able to see if it was going to help you recover, you started to scream in pain and as much as it hurts them to see you like this there was no other option. You managed to pushed all of them off you and took the shocks off your head and started to fight them again, but this time you went to hit Steve's legs, the things that weren't protected by his shield, then Tony's reactor you try to take it apart from his suit and you didn't notice that Bucky was behind you grabbing you and slamming you to the floor and place the shocks again. This time the shocks were stronger than before and you started to scream again in pain, "BUCKY WE GOT MARTIED ON MAY 21, 1943" you shouted as the shocks were still going, "STOP!!" Bucky scream at Tony and all of them looked at you. You open your eyes to see the 3 of them injured, Bucky holding your arms and Steve holding your legs, "what's going on? Where am i?" You asked confused, "you're on a HYDRA base, they took you" Steve said as him and Bucky help you up.

 You look at your hands that had blood on them and then looked at the 3 of them to notice their scratches and injuries, "I'm a danger just get away from me!" You scream as all of them try to get near you and you walked away from them, "you are not, you are just another victim" Tony said slowly approaching you. You walked into a room and saw a lab table that reminded you the first rime you were there. Tony was still following you and you sat on the table, "Tony tie me" you said facing him with tears on your eyes, "no i can't" he said, "please i beg you, if not just kill me" you said begging him to do it and leaving him no option besides tying you to the lab table. 

Steve, Bucky and Tony started to make sure that those metals were going to be hard to break for you. "We can find another option" Bucky said cupping your face in his hands, "i can't control myself and i have cause enough damage to the people i love" you said with tears on your eyes, "we can't leave her here" Steve said to Tony as they walked towards you and Bucky, "they will come back for her" Bucky said and the 3 of them stayed quiet to think of ways to bring you with them to help you. Suddenly the same voice was heard again but this time everyone saw the man, the man with the evil grin that scared you so much. He was behind a glass, "Captain, Stark what an honor to meet you and welcome home Winter Soldier" the man said making his evil smile, "WHY HER AND NOT ME?" Bucky scream at tge guy as he hit the glass in which the man was behind before he disappear, "her because she's the reason why you became free from HYDRA, by just touching you, she can erase all the years of work. You don't know how pathetic she sounded calling your name to help her, but you never came so she gave up and became my greatest creation" the guy said appearing in another glass and making Bucky more angry and he punched the glass that was near him, then he saw where the guy appear and started to go there to hit where the man appear again , but Steve and Tony stop him. 

Then the guy pressed some buttons that made a noise that cause nothing to the 4 of them, but to you it was extremely painful to hear that and you started to scream just like before but this time your ears started to drip blood, "JUST STOP!" you scream in pain, but the man made it more painful to the point in which you continue to scream so much that you passed out.

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