Part 20

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They entered to find both of you motionless on the ground, Bucky holding your hand and a lake of blood surrounding both. Tony picked you up, while Steve helped Bucky up as he recovered his conscious, but still he wasn't doing that well, "Steve, there's no other way, we need to take them to the Tower" Tony said, "no, come with me to Wakanda, the technology is more advanced there" T'challa said making Tony and Steve turn to face him, "i thought you wanted to kill us" Steve said, "no, your friends didn't kill my father, they were just victims of that man like my father" T'challa said and Steve and Tony put you and Bucky on the Quinjet that T'challa was going to fly to Wakanda.

You woke up in a bed and you were scared, until you hear a voice a familiar voice, "hey kiddo" you looked to see Tony, he looked at you then down for a minute, after that he approached you opening his arms to hug you and you did as well. "I'm sorry for causing all this" you said and he hugged you even tighter, "it wasn't you" he said as he broke the hug and offered his hand, "come with me, someone is being really annoying, because he wants to see you" Tony said as he helped you up and walked you to a lab, "where are we?" You asked as you saw different stuff that didn't looked like the one from the Tower, "we are in Wakanda, you are safe here" he said giving you a reassurance squish on your hand which makes you relax a little.

 As you entered you saw someone sitting on a lab table and people surrounding it, "umm...Bucky someone is here to see you" Tony said and Bucky turn to see him, but people were blocking his view. He moved the people to be able to see him, bug he locked eyes with you, his heart beat increase just like yours, it was just like the day at the Exhibition of Future Technology. His lips turn to a smile as he got off the table and went directly to you, but stop inches away from you. You smiled and embrace him as he did too, this gave you the feeling of home, safety and love, something that you didn't felt in the last months. You and him broke the hug and you looked at him, "I'm sorry" you said as your eyes filled with tears, "you shouldn't" he said as he wiped the tears and embrace you again and as he did he kissed your forehead. 

You gave him a kiss on the lips before you took a step back to run your hands on his arms, bug you only felt his right one not the left one where it was supposed to be his metallic arm," did...did i did that?" You said referring to his missing arm and he nodded, "Oh, God!" You said and covered your mouth, "don't worry that was on of the things that remind me all the harm that i have caused" he said as he used his righg hand to lower your hands that covered your mouth and then he pulled you to his chest abd hugged you like there was no tomorrow. Steve said giving a pat on Tony's back as he walks towards you and Bucky.

Steve came up to you and Bucky, you looked at him and he hugged you really tight and you kissed his cheek, "hi Steve" you said as you placed your hands on his upper arms, "I'm glad that you are good and safe" he said as he pulled you close to him again, "thanks, and I'm sorry for all the things i did" you said giving him a smile, Tony, Steve and Bucky approached you, "guys i need to apologize...." You said but you were cut off, "you don't have to y/..." Tony said and you cut him off this time, "just let me talk!" You said raising your eyebrow and Tony just raised his hands to let you continue, "like i was saying, i want to apologize for everything that i have done, and i want to thank you Steve for being my best friend since we met back in 1st grade and you will always be my partner in crime and justice" you said and hugged Steve, then you moved to Tony, "Tony you have been like a father that i never had, but for me you are my father and i love you like that and I want to thank you for everything you have done to help" you said, "i love you too kid" he said and hugged you, then you moved to Bucky, "Bucky my dear Bucky, i want to thank you for trusting me and trying to help me, I always believed you belong to me and nothing can change that i love you with all my heart" you said kissing him and all of them looked at you happily,"can i get a group hug with my favorite guys?" You said and all of them hugged you, all that you felt was love and that's something that you really wanted, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's time" someone said and all of you broke the hug and you and Bucky looked at each other.

 At the lab where you and Bucky were going to go on cryo-freeze both just were getting ready for the procedure, while Tony and Steve waited for both to be done, "thank you" you and Bucky said to the people in the lab, you walked to Tony to say goodbye, "bye Tony" yoi said and kissed his cheek, "y/n you're like a daughter to me, this will not be a goodbye, you know if you need anything just called me and i will come" he said, "really thank you Tony, i appreciate everything you have done for us" you said and looked at Steve and Bucky, "I'm proud of you Tony" you said hugging him as a tear fell down his cheek, "I'm proud of you too kid" he hugged you again before you walked towards Steve and Bucky. You hugged Steve, "goodbye partner in justice" he said and both laugh, "goodbye partner in justice" you said hugging him tighter. Then you went towards bucky and kiss his cheek before entering the cryo-freeze capsule. They closed the door and Bucky holded your hand, "i love you doll" he said and you turn to face him, "i love you too with my whole heart Bucky" you said as both smile and closed their eyes as the capsule got frozen with you and Bucky next to each other.

~A year later~

"Where is she?!" Tony scream as he rushes to the emergency room front desk, "sir, calm down, who are you looking for?" The girl said, "Barnes" he said tapping his finger on the desk, "room 390" she said and he went and while going he met with Steve on the way, "do you know anything?" Steve asked Tony while both walked, "just the room" Tony said and Bucky came to find both, "she's waiting for you guys" Bucky said and walked both of them to the room, Bucky was the first to enter, "doll they are here" he said as he walked up to you and sat next to you on the bed. 

Steve walked in and Tony pushed him as he stopped, "hey kid" Tony said as he walked towards you and gave you a kiss on the forehead, he looled at you them down at your arms where you held your new born baby, "want to hold him?" Yoi aksed him and he nodded and slowly pass him your baby. Tony hold the baby and after a little time Tony looked relaxed as the baby grabbed his finger ans started to smile, "he's a big guy" Tony said smiling and then looking at you, then he started to talk in a baby voice to the baby. Steve approached you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, "congratulations" he said as he hugged you, "thank you Steve" you said, "I guess he wants to be with mommy" Tony said as he handed you your baby, and you started to look at your baby boy, he was the perfect mixture of you and Bucky and he had Bucky's lips and his beautiful blue eyes, the baby started to smile as you holded on your arms and Bucky holded his little feet, "so what's his name?" Steve asked and you and Bucky looked at each other, "Anthony Grant Barnes" you said smiling and both Steve and Tony were in shock, "we named him after the people that help us to be here and have this beautiful baby" you said looking at both as Bucky had a huge smile as he looked at the baby. Tony and Steve started to tear up, "so am i the grandpa?" Tony asked and everyone laugh, "of course Tony" Bucky said and a huge smile grew on Tony's face, "I'm grandpa Stark" Tony said as Bucky passed the baby to Steve, "be careful with my grandson" Tony said as he eyed Steve, "and Steve could you be the godfather?" You asked him, "of course, i promised you that back in the 1940's" Steve answer and everyone was happy on the room. This was everything you ever wanted and now after almost 80 years you were able to be happily ever after.


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