Part 9

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The HYDRA agents took Steve, Sam, Natasha and you into custody. "It was him," you said, "he looks right into us like he didn't even know us," Steve said as a shock as you, "how's that even possible?" Sam asked, "Zola," Steve said and you explain, "Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him" you said and Steve continues, "whatever he did helped Bucky survived the fall" Steve said, "they must have found him and..." You said staring blankly to the floor, "none of that's your fault" Natasha said trying to comfort you, while Steve and Sam smile with compassion. Steve was the only one that knew that you and Bucky were married, neither Natasha, Sam or anyone from the Avengers, they thought he was just your best friend just like Steve. Sam notice Natasha bleeding shoulder, "she needs help, she will bleed out" Sam scream at the agents that were with the 4 of you, suddenly one of the guards pulls out an electric rod and neutralizes the other guard and it was Maria Hill. She takes all of you to Fury who's alive and laying in bed while everyone looks at him in shock.

The HYDRA agent fixes Bucky's metal arm and as they do it he has flashbacks from falling of the train of the edge of the mountain with you and Steve trying to save him, "Bucky NO!!!" He hears your voice, then he has a flashback from the day that he got send to war, "I love you Bucky with my whole heart" he hears you said and saw how he hugged you that day
and then he has a flashback after he's picked up by HYDRA agents. He comes back to the present and knocks over the HYDRA agent fixing his arm. Pierce walks in and toward Bucky, "Mission Report" Pierce says and Bucky doesn't respond, "mission report now!!" Pierce repeats again but this time strikes him hard in the face. "The man and the women on the bridge...who were they?" Bucky asked, "you met them earlier this week on another assignment" Pierce responds, "I knew them" Bucky said and Pierce sits in front of Bucky, "her..her name is y..y/n" he said. "Prep him" Pierce turns to the scientists, "he's been out of cryo-freeze too long" one of them say, "then wipe him and start over" Pierce said. The scientists strapped Bucky in his chair and then place a teeth shield in his mouth, they begin the process of wiping his brain with Bucky screaming in pain.

"We're not just taking down the carriers, Nick, we're taking down SHIELD" Steve said after Fury explained everything. "Well...looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain" Fury said. You were standing on a bridge and you had a flashback from Bucky when he and the other soldiers were rescued, "never let go of me Bucky" you said to him, "I won't doll and I would never left you behind" you hear his voice, then another flashback from when Bucky was leaving for war, "even if I'm dead i will come for you doll" you hear him said and saw how he kissed you left hand were you have the ring. You came back to the present and looked at your hand, but still you were thinking about all the things that Bucky went throughout for many years, it only make you feel rage towards yourself for not preventing all those horrible things to happen to Bucky. 

Tears of sadness and rage run down your cheek, suddenly Steve embrace you in a hug, "Steve" you said, "I know" he said and continue to hold you as you continue to cry, then both were interrupted by Sam as he joins both of you on the bridge and you wiped your tears. "He's gonna be there, you guys know?" He said, "we know" Steve answer and you nodded, "look, whoever he use to be, the guy he is now, I don't think hes the kind you save. He's the kind you stop" Sam said facing you and Steve. "I don't know if I can do that, but I do know that if I die today at least I got to see him one last time" you said and Sam and Steve stared at you. "Well he might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you guys" Sam said, "He will... Gear up it's time" Steve said and you started to walk away and Steve followed you, "you guys gonna wear that?" Sam said in confusion, "No. If you're gonna fight a war to gotta wear uniform" Steve said and run to catch up to you. Steve understood that you preferred to die insteadof having to watch Bucky die again, but he was going to prevent that from happening even if it cost him his own life.

Later as a guard walks in the Smithsonian Museum, he looked over to the Captain America exhibit,  "Oh man. I'm so fired!!" the guard said. "It stills fits me" Steve said making you look at him, "sure it does" you answer and continue to fix yours and when you finished you walked towards him and fixed his. "Steve?" You said, "I won't let anything happen to you" he said and you looked at him, "I got this feeling Steve, but I'm not sure about it" you said and he hug you again, "I have to say thank you Steve for being with me all the time and supporting me. I'm truly thankful for everything" you said and he hold you tighter, "No Y/n Thank you for being my best friend since the beginning, but I promise I won't let anything happen to you" he said as tears fall from yours and his eyes.

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