Part 7

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Two years after the events in New York, Steve and you have been performing black ops missions for SHIELD. This modern world is so scary for both, but at least both try to get used to it and has each other to go throughout the process. After a mission you and Steve returned to Washington D.C., he goes to visit Peggy and you go to the museum, you went there often to see and remember your beloved Bucky.

 They were playing a video of him, Steve and you. On the video, Bucky kissed your cheek and all were genuinely happy, lately, you weren't really happy, you were just putting a smile to Steve and others so they wouldn't see your pain, even though Steve saw it. You continue to go around the museum and stop where they had the mannequins of the Howling Commando. "Impressive, right?" You look at your left to see Steve standing next to you. "I miss those days, don't get me wrong food is better, the war is over, better healthcare and technology is really useful," you said facing Steve, "I know what you mean," he said and hugged you. It was late and Steve and you returned to the apartment that both share.

 You and Steve are at the door talking and your neighbor appears while she's talking on her phone, you hit Steve so he will talk to her, "hey if you want... If you want, you're welcome to use our machine. Might be cheaper than the one in the basement" Steve said and you look at her, "what's the cost?"she said and Steve froze, "a cup of coffee with him not me" you said and she agreed, "oh I think you guys left the stereo on" she said before walking away. At the door you and Steve looked at each other, you entered first by the kitchen window when both were in you grab a gun and passed Steve his shield. 

Both walked to the living room to find an injured Nick Fury, Steve turned the light on and he turned it off, "SHIELD IS COMPROMISED" Fury typed on a screen and as he did someone started to shoot and Steve protected you and himself. You went to see Fury in the floor losing too much blood as your neighbor enters and identifies herself as a SHIELD agent and there to protect you and Steve. He saw something and went to find out who was the person that did this, the guy was able to stop Steve's shield with one hand. 

Back at the hospital you, Steve, Maria and Natasha saw how Fury was pronounced dead. "Captain, Lieutenant, Pierce wants to see you," one of the STRIKE Agents told you. You and Steve were walking to a corridor wearing your guy's suit, "captain, lieutenant" Sharon your supposed neighbor said, "neighbor" Steve said coldly and it hurt you even when that wasn't said to you. At the office of Pierce, "did he said anything?" He asked, but you and Steve continue denying everything. As you and Steve left both went into different directions, until at one floor STRIKE Agents were following you so you decided to call the elevator, it wasn't even there yet, but you open the door with your bare hands, climbed on top of the elevator that was descending, you open the door it has on the ceiling and went in to land on Steve's arms, "are they following you too? He asked, "yes" you answer looking at all the agents on the floor. "Hold on," Steve said and jumoed out of the elevator with yiu on his arms. You and Steve scaped and went back to the hospital for the flash drive, but Natasha had it.

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