Part 14

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One day your phone started to ring, "hello" you said answering the phone, "is me Steve" he said, you instantly knew that he needed your help, "where do we meet?" You asked him unlocking the door to the apartment to enter, "Washington on the apartment" he told you and you hang up. "Bucky?" You said as you walked in and found him reading the letters from the box, "hey doll" he said looking up at you, "Steve call, he needs my help" you said, "how long?" He asked as he got up and face you, "I'm not sure, but when I come back we can leave wherever you want" you said cupping his face giving him a peck on the lips. He knew that one day or another Steve was going to call you and you were going to leave to help him, "I'll help you pack up" he said kissing your forehead. 

That same day you left Bucky and meet with Steve at the apartment, "Steve?" You said when you entered and place your backpack on the floor, Steve came out of nowhere and hugged you really tight, "I'm happy that you're alive" he said still hugging you, "me too, I'm really happy that you are good Steve" you said putting your hand on his cheek and smiling. That night he told you that both needed to go to New York to help them with something and you just nodded, "do you know anything about Bucky?" Steve asked, "no, he disappear when I was unconscious," you said lying to protect Bucky. 

The next day you and Steve arrive at the Avengers Tower, "guess who's back?" Steve said as you and he entered, "my lady Y/n!" Thor screams from across the room, you and Steve walked towards him and Thor hugged you tight, "I'm happy to see you too Thor" you said looking up to him, then Natasha, Clint, and Bruce entered to the room and walked towards you to greet and hug you. Tony was the last to come, he had a worried look and was standing with his hand on his hips far from the others, then he just opened his arms, "c' mon kid don't let me hanging" he said and you walked faster to hug him, he embraces you really tight just like his life depended on it, "Hey Tony" you said, "I missed you" he said and kissed you forehead,  "him and Steve were crying a river all over the Tower" Clint said and both Steve and Tony looked at him while the rest chuckle, "well it lools like the walls have eyes and hears here... but are you good, healthy?" Tony said checking your arms and face to look for injuries, "yes Tony I'm fine" you said and he hugged you again. You didn't mind it, you didn't had a dad for most of your life and Tony since the day he met you looked at you as his daughter when he first met you, you were 20 years old not counting the frozen years. 

At night you were given a room that you were going to share with Steve, "sorry hun, we gave Thor your room" Tony said apologizing, "is okay Tony, I've been sharing a room with Steve for more than 70 years counting the iceberg we shared" you said and Tony smile before he walked away. Steve enter to the room and you looked at him and smile, "i need to go outside" you said to Steve, "if you need me just shout my name and I'll come" ha said, "thanks Steve" you said and he walked out of the room. You grabbed your bag and pull out a cell phone and went out of the Tower, you called the number that said "Home", "hey doll, is everything ok?" Bucky said and you couldn't stop thinking of how much you missed him, "yes, everything is great, what about you?" You said hopping everything was fine with him, "yeah i just miss you a lot" he said, "me too i miss you, I'll return faster than you think so we can move wherever you want" you said looking to the floor, "i haven't think of any place, but i promise you thag I'll have one when you come back" he said, "i love you Bucky with my whole heart" you said, "i love you too Doll, goodnight" he said and you couldn't stop smiling, "goodnight love" you said and hang up. You went to get some hot chocolate for Steve and you then you walked towards the tower and to the room. Steve later came in and you gave him his chocolate, "thank you" he said, "it's nothing you always did this for me" you said, after that both just talked for hours about the past and about the mission until both fall asleep.

During the mission Thor, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Tony and you were attacked and started to see visions of their worst fears. After the mission failed, Clint started to fly the Quinjet to a "safe house" where it ended up being where his family is. Outside you and Steve are collecting wood, "what was your vision about?" Steve asked you, " was about when we found out that Bucky was the winter soldier, what if we never found out it was him and i kill him" you said stopping and Steve looked at you with concern, "but you didn't?" He said giving you some kind of relief, "having fun with the farm life?" Tony said making you and Steve turn to face him, "is a really calm lifestyle and i think it suits Steve" you said making both chuckle. Then everyone gather around and planned how to take down Ultron. 

The battle ended; Steve, Tony, Thor and you are walking around the New Avengers facility in upstate New York, "I'm going to miss these little talks of ours" Thor said to the 3 of you, "well, not if you don't leave" Tony said, "i have no choice. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. But once all these pieces are in position..." Thor explained, "triple yatzee?" Tony joked, "you think you can find out what's coming?" Steve asked and the 3 looked at Thor, "I do. Besides this one, there's nothing that can't be explained" Thor said and then said goodbye to Steve and Tony. "Bye Thor" you said hugging him, "take care my lady y/n" Thor said to you and he returned to Asgard which burns a circle in the grass he was standing on, "that man has no regard for lawn maintenance. I'm gonna miss him though" Tony said as the 3 of you walked to his car, "are you gonna miss me?" Steve said to you, "of course i will miss you Steve" you said hugging him and giving him a kiss on his cheek, "and you will miss me Steve?" Tony said, "i will miss you, Tony" Steve said and wave goodbye to you and Tony as both got into the same car, "where to?" Tony asked, "New York" you said, "no really where?" He asked you again, "Washington" you said as Tony drives, "okay i just need something from the Tower abd i will take you" Tony said, "is okay, from the Tower i can find my way to Washington" you told him, "no i insist y/n" he said and you agree, because you knew he wouldn't listen to you. He drove you to Washington to the building apartment, "thanks Tony" you said as he looked at you and you hugged him, "take care kid and don't get in trouble, but if you do call me " he said winking at you and making you laugh, "take care Tony, i love you" you said hugging him again, "i love you too, kid" he said as he got into the car and drive off. 

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