Part 11

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Steve being unconscious is being pulled out of the water and dragged onto the shore by Bucky, Steve starts to coughing water and Bucky stares at him. Before Bucky walks away he drags something and picks it up, disappearing on the distance. In a hospital, in a room guarded by two armed agents, Steve wakes up to Marvin Gaye's "Trouble Man" playing in the background with Sam sat next to his hospital bed, "on your left" Steve says and both smile. He continues to look around searching for a familiar face, but realizes something is off, "where's y/n?" Steve asked, "Steve you need to relax," Sam said as Steve try to get up from the bed, "where is she?!" He asked with an alarmed tone again, Sam took a deep breath before speaking, "Steve, she never made it, she never came out of the helicarrier... I'm sorry she died" Sam said and Steve closed his eyes and tears started to roll down his cheek. Sam went out of the room giving Steve space to process everything, "it was supposed to be me not her, how did I let that happen... Now I'm all alone" Steve said as he put his hands on his head as he continues sobbing. Days later Steve got out of the hospital and went to the grave that SHIELD prepared for you even when your body was never found. Natasha and Sam were there with Steve and Natasha gave Steve some documents about Bucky and on the files there was a picture of Bucky and as he went throughout the pages he saw one picture you send Bucky during the war from the day both got married.

Bucky is entering to an old apartment complex with some bags, he walks to one of the doors and enters to one of the apartments. At the small kitchen, he places the bags down in the counter, on the kitchen sink he grabs a rug and puts water on it then squishes the excess of water. He walks to a room that had a mattress on the floor and some cheap furniture.

 On the mattress a motionless but breathing body was laying with bruises and cuts on the face and arms. Bucky sat down on the edge of the mattress, but close enough to the body that belongs to you. He started to clean your face and as he did he started to admire your beautiful but little damaged features; he stopped and stared blankly at your face as he has flashback from the day you and him met, "Thank you for helping me and my friend Steve" he hear a young version of yourself say, "you're welcome, you were just trying to defend your friend and I admire that, by the way I'm James, but everyone calls me Bucky" he hears himself said, "thanks Bucky I like your name and I'm y/n by the way and that's my friend Steve" he hears you aaid smiling, then he has another flashback from the day that he gave you your first kiss, "hey Bucky" he hears you say, "hey y/n" he said nervously, "happy birthday.... I brought you this" he said as he pulled out flowers from his back, "thank you Bucky they're beautiful" he hear you again and saw how you were going to kiss his cheek as he turns and the kiss ended uo being on the mouth and then he has a flashback from the day he proposed to you, "Y/n Y/l/n will you do me the honor of making me the luckiest man on earth by marrying me?" He hear himself say and saw you got on your knees kissing him ans telling him yes. He came back to present and smiled a little after seeing all those memories, he puts the rug into the sink and went back to the room. He lay next to you and he turn to face you as he caressed your face with his right hand.

One day you woke up and didn't recognized where you were, you went around the apartment until you found a mirror and look at your face that had some cuts that were taken care of. You went back to the room and on some furniture you found a journal, you started to read them and realized thay those, were fragments of memories suddenly you hear the floor cracked and turn to see who was behind you. It was Bucky standing there looking down, "Bucky?" You asked hoping it was going to be him not the Winter Soldier, he looked up and you run to him and embrace him, as you hug him you were able to feel and hear his heart beat increase as you touch him, "I missed you soo much"you said with tears on your eyes. He took a deep breath and his body relaxed as he gave in and put his arms around you.

A week has passed and you were fully recovered from the battle and Bucky asked you everyday to tell him all the memories you had with or about him, you really didn't mind it you were extremely happy that slowly you were recovering the love of your life. One day you decided to take him to the Smithsonian Museum so he could see it for himself not only what you've told him. Both of you try to hide from people and not to be noticed, "have you been here before?" He asked as you hold his hand while walking around the museum, "yes I came here often and sometimes with Steve"you answer him and he nodded.

 You and him continue walking on the exhibitions and it reminded you when him, you and Steve went to the Exhibition of Future Technology back in the 1940's, you started to smile and he looked at you giving you a little smile too, "was that us" he said pointing out at the mannequins with the 2 missing uniforms and with the pictures of the team that Steve created to stop HYDRA, "yes" you answer him and turn to face him and you were able to see the same sparkle he had 70 years before. At a moment the museum got filled with a lot of people and you noticed that Bucky got tense and with the simple touch of your hands you were able to make him relax. 

Back at the apartment you were looking out the window thinking if this was a second chance to live the life with Bucky you never had the chance to, but you knew exactly that some things change. You felt someone behind you abd you turn to see Bucky, he pulled you closer making you have a flashback from the day that you and him had a date, "wow!" You hear him say and you turned around to face him, "I'm so lucky to have you" you hear him again and you blushed as he pulled you closer to hug you and you put your arms around his neck, " I love you" you hear yourself and he smiled and kiss you. You came back to the present still embracing him, "thank you" he said with a low voice, you looked up caressing his face with one hand and with the other resting on his chest while he had his arms around your waist, "no, I need to thank you" you said and kissed his cheek and as you did you felt his heart beat increase and he smiled at your action as you did too.

YOU BELONG TO ME (BUCKY BARNES STORY)Where stories live. Discover now