Part 15

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You entered to the apartment and saw that everything was normal, but you didn't saw Bucky anywhere, you drop your bags on the floor and turn to go to the little kitchen and a big smile grew on your lips, "Bucky!" You said in excitement and run towards his arms and he picked you up on his arms with a smile on his face, "I missed you" you said while you had your arms around his neck and your legs around his torso, "I missed you a lot too Doll" he said before kissing you, "how was everything?" He asked you as he walked to the sofa while he still had you on his arms, "it was hard there were too many, but we won" you said now sitting on his lap and placing your head on his chest, "so where are we moving?" You asked him, "I was thinking about Bucharest, Romania," he said and you smile and kissed his cheek, "that's perfect, I love it," you said and both stay for the rest of the day there just holding onto each other.

It's been a year since you and Bucky move to Bucharest, Romania and everything was fine until one day Bucky and you are at a vendor buying fruit, then the vendors look at Bucky and when you and he look back at the vendor and he runs. Bucky grabs the paper and it says something about the Winter Soldier and Bucky starts to look around tensely, "it's time to go" you said grabbing his hand and giving him a kiss on the cheek which causes him to relax a little. Steve arrives at the small apartment, he looks around to see a mattress with disheveled covers and various bits of cheap looking furniture. He finds a notebook with various colors sticking out from the pages and Steve bend down to pick up and doesn't notice that Bucky is standing behind him as he puts you behind him to protect you from Steve. 

Steve slowly turns around to face Bucky, "do you know me?" Steve asked and Bucky stares at him, "you are Steve, y/n told me" he said , "you're lying" Steve said and you moved from behind Bucky grabbing his hand to face Steve, "he's not" you said and Steve was in shock, "he wasn't in Vienna" you said taking a step forward Steve, "I don't do that anymore" Bucky said, "he was with me the whole time" you continue, "well, the people who think that he did it are coming here now and they're not planning on taking him alive" Steve said and the cops slam the battering ram against the door. Bucky shields you and himself with the mattress against the attack from the window. Bucky slams his fist on the floor grabbing a backpack and then grabbing your hand to get out of the building, you and Bucky went to the corridor that was full with agents and both started to fight them and Steve join both, when suddenly you and Bucky tossed someone over the railing of the stairs, "really?" Steve said and you and Bucky just look at him and continue to fight. Bucky and you climb up to the top of the building, then run along the corridor to leap off the top of the building, both of you tumble onto the lower roof of another building. 

Bucky saw his backpack and picks it up while you and him run to escape, suddenly a muscular man entirely in black slams Bucky from behind. You notice and started to fight that man, while you were doing that Steve and Sam started to fight him too and you and Bucky took the chance to escape, as the man in black and Steve notices that you and Bucky are getting away they go after both. Bucky and you get on one motorcycle that Bucky took to ride away, until War machine appears and stops you, Bucky, Steve and the guy in black suit, "Stand down, now!" Rhodes said as Bucky stands besides you and Steve puts his shield on his back, "congratulations Cap, y/n you guys are criminals" he said as police move in and force Bucky to his knees hurting him, "he didn't do anything!!" You scream and punched some of the police to get them off Bucky and Steve try to stop you, but he couldn't you were really angry; then another cop's move and putting you and Steve arms behind each other back, then the guy fully on black takes off his mask revealing that it was T'challa the prince of Wakanda, "your highness" Rhodes said as you and Steve look at the guy while Bucky is hauled flat on the ground. 

Later as you, Steve, Sam and the prince of Wakanda are being transported no one talks at all, "so i ask you as both warrior and long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?" T'challa asked you, "until you or me are death" you said and Steve has a stony face after your answer until the convoy heads underground. Sam, Steve and you were separated into different cells, "is y/n here? I didn't see where they took her" Steve said, "she's safe and I'll take her away from him and you" Tony said and paused, "I'm taking her back with me to New York" Tony concluded, "you know she won't follow your orders, right?" Steve said, "yes, but i can try my best to protect her from all this you know, and besides she goes with me, Barnes gets transferred to an American psych-center instead of Wakanda priosn and I hope she will be happy with that" Tony said ans leaves Steve on the cell. He goes to the office and watches Bucky and you on one of the control room screen, "TONY YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I HAVE TO BE WITH HIM TO PROTECT HIM!" You scream while hitting the window as you started to break down and cry. Tony as he watched you let a tear down as he saw how hurt and angry you were, he stay there for a little time, but walked away as an agent called him. 

A device erupts and you were able to get out of the cell that you were on and run to find Bucky, "FRIDAY, geg me the source of the outage" Tony said. You went throughout the corridors being unnoticed by the agents and allowing you to get where Bucky was; you hear him scream, "NO!!" and you enter, "Bucky!" You said as you approached him, "y/n just go!" He scream at you as he kept fighting to not become the Winter Soldier. You turn to saw the man that was causing all this so you run and started to fight him, he had you on thw ground, "leave her alone!" Bucky scream as he freed himself form the cage that he was on to protect you, when suddenly the man finished to say those words that turned him into the Winter Soldier. The man gave him orders as he had his hand on your throat, then Bucky left and you were able to free yourself and fight the same man to don't let him get out of there. Tony instantly run to your cell and saw that you weren't there and that Bucky was out of his, Tony started to fight with Bucky, but Bucky run to the top of the building and got into a helicopter and try to escape, but Steve goes and holds the helicopter from the building as it was barely lifting up.

The guy started to fight you, you gave him several good hits, but not as many as the one's that he gave you, "you're coming with me" he said as he started to take you out of the building and you try to free yourself, but it was impossible, "HELP! BUCKY HELP ME!" you scream at the top of your lungs, no one seem to notice or hear you scream, then the guy put a rug coverings your mouth and nose making you passed out. As Bucky was trying to fly away and Steve trying to stop him, he heard a voice asking for his help making him look down and see how someone is taking you and getting you into a car; seeing and hearing your voice makes Bucky snapped from the Winter Soldier to his old self. This causes the helicopter to crash onto the too of the building.

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