Part 16

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In a huge abandoned warehouse, Bucky wakes up with his metallic left arm clamped in a huge industrial vice, "Steve" Bucky said as Steve and Sam came into the room, "which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve said looking in Bucky's eyes, " your mom's name was Sarah, you were the witness on y/n's and I wedding" Bucky said, "can't read that at the museum" Steve answers looking at Sam, "just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asked looking into Steve, "what did I do? Where's y/n?" Bucky said with concern on his eyes, "enough" Steve answer with a cold tone, "oh god, I knew this would happen, I told her to go away because everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was to say the goddamn words" Bucky said feeling guilty, "who was he?" Steve asked, "I don't know" Bucky answer, "people are dead and Y/n is missing I need you to do better than 'i don't know' " Steve said with a strong tone.

 Back in Romania you woke up attached to a lab table, "where am I?" You asked to a shadow that started to turn into a person, "welcome Soldier, you are in your new home" he said and you look at your arms, that have been injected with something, "you are a really strong woman, you know?" He said, "sure I am, just let me free so I can show you more," you said trying to free yourself, but the metal around your wrists and ankles didn't let you. As you continue trying to free yourself some metals were placed on your chest and head and the last thing you remember was what he told you, "you are going to be my greatest creation" and his evil grin. 

Back on the warehouse, Bucky sat down at the corner of a room with his legs close to his chest and his head between them. He started to have a flashback from the day that you and him had a date before he proposed to you, you and him went to the movies, but he didn't watch it at all, he just kept looking at you to realize that you were the one for him, he sees you walked out of the movie theater and around town with him, "thank you" he hears you said then watches you kissing him, "for what doll?" He hears himself said as he was looking at you, "i know you didn't like it, but still you watch it" he hears you said again and smile, "anything for you doll" he hears himself and sees himself giving you a kiss, the flashback ended bringing Bucky back to reality and tears started to roll down his cheek and he knew that he had to get you back, "where's my backpack?" Bucky asked Steve, "i think it stayed there at the accords" Steve answer. 

On the accords Tony grabbed the backpack and opened to see that it was full of papers, photos, movie tickets and some notebooks; on one of the zippers there was an envelope, he opened to see a picture of you and Bucky back in the 1940's and in the back it said, "May 21, 1943 Just Married!". Now everything made sense for Tony, "they are married, but he's not who he used to be 70 years ago" Tony said to be interrupted by Natasha, "Tony, you don't know if he changed, he probably change while he was with her" Natasha said standing behind Tony, "oh yeah... Don't you think he try to kill her just like he try to kill us or even worst.? And now Steve is protecting him after he saw all the damage he can cause and has cause to y/n and you know what's the sad thing about this.... is that y/n trusted them and now she's missing and God forbid that she's dead!" Tony said as he looked at Natasha with anger on his eyes before he stormed out of the room.

It's been more than 3 months and neither Tony or Bucky and Steve have find any clue of where you could be, but none of them believe that you were death. Everyday in the past months you have been tortured and brainwashed by this guy. The first times you fight against it 'cause you still had the hope that Steve or Bucky will find you, but as the days started to turn into weeks and weeks into months you lost hope of anyone finding you at all. Today was the day in which you recover a little of your faith, "sir, they took down the base on Germany" one man told the guy that captured you, "we need to move, they are coming for her" he said to the man, and you knew that Steve ans Bucky were coming to rescue you. The guy walked in and you were smiling just like if someone told you a joke, he saw you and hit you to disappear the smile from your face, "what's so funny?!" He said really annoyed, "they are going to find you and finish all this for once and for all" you said and he approached you and grabbed your chin in a really aggressive way hurting you in the process, "not so sure about that honey, or how did he called you... Ah yes doll" he said then he kissed you even though you refused, "prep her" he said and he licked his lips after he kissed you by force. Someone else came to prep you to be brainwash again, as it was happening your body started to shake and your screams echoed around the whole base, when they finished you were slowly passing out and as you did you started to see Bucky, but each time he was getting farther and farther and you started to call his name so he will come back to help you.

 After changing to the HYDRA base on Siberia, you slowly started to forget everything and you were being trained to be the strongest, newest and the best version of the Winter Soldier, they called you the Lethal . The name was given to you, because you were the most lethal weapon or soldier that HYDRA ever had and your features were of an angel that just fell from heaven. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Wanda and Scott had a fight against Tony, T'challa, Rhodes, Natasha, Vision and Peter. Steve and Bucky wanted to take a Quinjet to Siberia where the last HYDRA base was located, they succeeded. Steve drove the Quinjet for some time until Bucky approached him with a look of concern making Steve look at him, "I'm sure she will be okay, she's strong and determine, Buck" Steve said, "you don't know all the horrible things they can do" Bucky said stopping to swallow, "i cause all this to her, all she did was trying to help me" Bucky finished looking out with a straight face, "it wasn't you, you didn't had a choice" Steve said trying to comfort him, "i did! Why didn't i fight more to protect her and don't let those goddamn words get into my head!" Bucky said blaming himself for everything that has happened in the past months.

 As they were on the way to the HYDRA base on Siberia, Tony talked to Sam who was incarcerated again after the fight, "WHERE DO THEY HAVE HER!" Tony scream at Sam as he was interrogating him, "they don't have her" Sam answer the question, "DON'T LIE TO ME!" Tony scream as he was getting more desperate, "I'M NOT!" Sam screamed back at Tony making him to lower his tone, "then why they escape?" Tony asked as he was getting more annoyed as he thought he was getting to a dead end with Sam, "cause they found who took her and they are going to get her back" Sam said more calmly, "where?" Tony asked wanting to know everything, "on a HYDRA base in Siberia" Sam answer and Tony left immediately, but still he was doubting about the real reason why Bucky and Steve escaped and the information about all this.

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