Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!

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City of Vale
3rd Person POV

The owner of a Dust Shop (DSO) has finished putting up his 'Grand Re-Opening' sign.  As he's climbing down, he falls into the ground and a girl with green hair helps him up.

Girl:  "Are you okay?"

DSO:  "Yeah, I am, thank you."

Girl:  "I'm really not from around here.  Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this book shop?"

He does as she asks and she walks away.  She meets up with a silver haired young man.

Man:  "I knew you were lost."

Girl:  "Mercury.  I will seriously pay you to shut up."

Mercury:  "That's not even your money, Miss Master Thief Emerald."

Emerald:  "But it could be yours for five minutes of silence."

Mercury:  "Mmmmm... no deal."

Emerald:  "Fine."

Mercury:  "Whatever, you want me."

The pair head off to the book shop, called "Tucson's Book Trade" and enter.  Emerald goes to the counter and rings the bell.

???:  "Be right there!"  He comes in with two large stacks of books.  "Hello!  Welcome to Tucson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun.  I'm Tucson, how can I help you?"

Mercury:  "Just browsing!"

Emerald:  "Actually, I was wondering if you have any copies of 'The Thief and the Butcher'?"

Tucson:  "Yes we do."

Emerald:  "That's great!  How about 'Violet's Garden', in paperback?"

Mercury:  "He's got it.  Hardback too.  No pictures.  Do you have any comics?"

Tucson:  "Near the front."

Emerald:  "Oh, no wait.  How about 'Third Crusade'?"

Tucson:  "Umm...  I don't believe we carry that one."

Emerald:  "Oh... what was this place called again?  And the motto?"

Tucson:  *sigh* "Tucson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun."

Mercury:  "Except the Third Crusade apparently."

Tucson:  "It's just a catchphrase."

Emerald:  "You shouldn't make a promise you can't keep Tucson.  I hear you're planning on leaving."  Mercury closes the blinds.  "Moving all the way to Vacuo.  Your brothers in the White Fang wouldn't be happy to hear that, would they?  Neither are we.  You know who we are and why we're here, don't you?"

Tucson:  "Yes."

Emerald:  "So, are you going to fight back?"

Tucson pauses for a moment.

Tucson:  "Yes!"  He jumps on the counter, panther claws out, and swings at Emerald.  He misses and then Mercury kicks him.

Small Timeskip

Mercury and Emerald exit the shop, with Mercury holding a comic.

Emerald:  "Whats with that?"

Mercury:  "I like the pictures."


It's been some time since Y/N has started dating all of the girls.  The new semester is about to start.  It's been challenging to have some peace and quiet, but being surrounded by girls isn't all bad, but so far, none of them have 'slept' with him.  Currently, Teams RWBY and JNPR are sitting with you.

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