Chapter 27: Battle of Beacon

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3rd Person POV
With Blake and Weiss

Blake and Weiss are running through the fairgrounds, which is being overrun by Grimm.

Weiss: "I don't believe this."

Blake gets on her scroll with Yang calling.

Blake: "Yang, are you okay?"

At first, she's unresponsive, but then answers.

Yang: "I'm... Im fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her scroll."

Blake: "No, she isn't. Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader, she can take care of herself."

Yang: "...Right."

Weiss: "This can't be happening. Y/N's..." she says with tears streaming down her face.

Yang: "I'm heading to the docks near the courtyard. White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!"

Blake: "The White Fang is here!?" she says surprised.

They hear static and sounds of fighting.

Yang: "I gotta go!" She hangs up.

Weiss: "Blake, what are we going to do?"

Blake: "We're going to the docks, and we're doing our job."

She summons her lockers that has her weapon in it. Weiss looks over to her, with her resolve renewed.

Weiss: "We won't let his sacrifice be in vain."

With Pyrrha, Penny, and Ruby

Jaune, Ren, and Nora are still in the stands as they watch Penny and Pyrrha weep. Ruby's also crying where she's at. However, Jaune notices something and calls out.

Jaune: "Pyrrha! Penny! You gotta get out of there! That thing's gonna break in!"

The Nevermore that's on the force field flies up and then dives, breaking the force field. It pushes Penny and Pyrrha back from Y/N's body, but is stabbed by a flash of red. It was Ruby, who had grabbed Svartur from the ground and stabbed the Nevermore in the chest. Her hands were burning since she wasn't his partner, but she didn't care.


It flies around, about to strike, but it's grounded and defeated by many lockers flying into it. From the lockers are teams SSSN, JNPR, BRNZ, and CFVY's weapons, followed by the teams themselves.

Ruby had gone up to Pyrrha and Penny. When she gets there, she keeps crying.

Ruby: "Come on... we have to get out of here. Otherwise, his sacrifice will have been in vain."

Ruby wipes her face as Jaune turns to the teams.

Jaune: "Thank you all!". He says with his voice shaking. "We've going to avenge Y/N, my brother, by finding out whoever did this! He fought until the very end and so should we! We're going to do what he would and fight to protect everyone!"

Reese: "Yeah! That's my boyfriend for you! Let us avenge his brother!"

(A/N, if you don't remember Reese, she's the green haired girl of Team ABRN that fought against Team RWBY in the first round.)

Jaune blushes a bit a before drawing his sword and turning to his brother.

Jaune: "See little brother? You were right. Not all of the girls can fall for you." He says very nearly crying. "Don't worry. We'll make this right."

A few Griffon Grimm fly down while Ruby uses Sun's scroll to summon Crescent Rose. However, before they can fight, Dr. Oobleck and Professor Port come down.

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