Chapter 52.75: A Mother's Love (Summer Lemon, 18+)

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(A/N I made this a .75 chapter simply to try it out. I wasn't sure how I felt with making Yang's Chapter 52, so this is mainly to keep main chapters separate from filler/lemons, but we'll see how I feel after the Battle of Haven)


Three Days After the Night with Raven

It's a little more than a week until the White Fang will attack in full force. Weiss, Nora, and Neo have tried to get closer to you like Ruby and Yang had, but were met with little success. It's not that you didn't want to. They just kind of... failed each time they tried to approach you about it, either because of themselves or others...

There was Weiss's attempt...

Weiss Flashback

You were in the training room, polishing Svartur, as well as Ddraig's gem. You hear someone walk down the stairs, revealing Weiss in her pajamas.

Y/N: "Hey Weiss. What are you doing up so early?"

Weiss: "Y/N? *yawn* I should be asking you that."

Y/N: "After some morning exercise to warm up for the day, I'm taking care of my weapons."

She comes over and puts her hand on your dragon arm, rubbing it to feel how different it is than human skin.

Weiss: "I still can't believe this is your arm now... It feels different than when you showed us your Sacred Gear when we were still in school. It feels less like a gauntlet and more like your arm. I can feel warmth through it instead of it just feeling like metal."

Y/N: "It is my arm now."

Weiss: "Yeah... Y/N..."

She leans in and kisses you, unexpectedly. This is the first time since you got back that she's done this. Well, initiating it at least. She grips your shoulders and you grip her waist back. She moves onto your lap and releases the kiss, only to kiss you again, yet deeper this time. She tries to move in closer to you, starting by trying to separate her legs and straddle you, but...

Weiss: "AH!"

When she tried to move, she slipped and ended up on the floor of the training room. She quickly stands up, embarrassed, and darts out of the room without saying a word.

Y/N: "Guess that wasn't proper form, was it?"

Flashback Over

Then there was Nora...

Nora Flashback

Today, it was your and Nora's turn to go shopping. As you're walking down the street...

Nora: "Y/N! What are we getting!?"

Y/N: "Well, we're getting flour, chicken, beef, eggs, milk, butter, four bottles of maple syrup because I know you'll eat at least two of them, and a few other things."

Nora: "Yay! Pancake stuff! You'll make them for me won't-"

Someone rushes past, knocking her into you and knocking both of you to the ground. Your eyes shut due to the impact.

Y/N: "Ow... Nora, you o-"

There's something squishy in your hand. You know what it is.

Y/N (thoughts): 'So soft!'

Nora: "Um... Y/N?"

You open your eyes and see that her face is red. You instantly stop and try to sit up, with her straddling your lap.

Y/N: "I am so sorry! I don't know what just came over me, I-"

Nora: "It's not that... This is just not the time nor the place for that... Maybe later..." she says extremely embarrassed.

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