Chapter 33: Fixing a Mistake

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Svartur:  "Partner, you okay?"

He notices you breathing heavily.  You just arrived at some docks in the western part of Vale.  It's about noon and been about two days since you left Qrow and Neo.

Y/N:  "Yeah, I'm just tired from the trip."

Ddraig:  "We're almost there.  Take a rest and walk the rest of the way.  I feel like you'll need all of your strength for what's to come."

You find a tree to rest under, making sure to cover up your dragon limbs as to not scare anyone.

Svartur:  "Since I wasn't here at the time, what are we dealing with?"

Ddraig:  "Svartur, you'll learn soon enough."

Y/N:  "I can hear you guys you know.  Don't worry Svartur, we'll be fine.  It's just one of those things, you know?"

You sit there for about an hour.  You wave at some people passing by.

Y/N:  "Ah, this feels nice.  The breeze going through my hair, the smell of the ocean, the peace among the people.  You'd almost think the world wasn't going to hell in a place like this."

???:  "It certainly is nice."

You look up and a girl, maybe around your age, with beautiful red hair and sparkling blue eyes.

Red-Haired Girl:  "Mind if I sit down?"

Y/N:  "No, go ahead."

The two of you sit there, taking in the sun.  After a few minutes, she speaks up.

Red-Haired Girl:  "It's days like today that make you forget all of your cares in the world."

Y/N:  "I'd like to do that, but I have something on my mind right now."

Red-Haired Girl:  "Well, whatever it is, I'm sure you can let it go for a few minutes at least."

You start talking to each other like you're a couple of old friends.  You tell her about your travels and defeating Grimm and she talks about visiting her family in Vale.

Red-Haired Girl:  "Oh my, that's certainly impressive.  So why are you here?"

The smile on your face fades.

Y/N:  "I need to face my past."

Red-Haired Girl:  "...I see.  I know if anyone can do it, you can.  You're strong."  She hears her friend calling over to her.  "I'm sorry, I have to go.  See you later Y/N."

Y/N:  "It was nice talking to you."

She gets up and goes over to her friend, who seems to be an equally beautiful girl with long black hair and violet eyes.

Y/N:  "Wait... did I ever tell her my name?  Oh well, probably recognized me from the tournament.  I have bigger things to worry about."

You get up and start heading towards the docks to find a ship.

Red-Haired Girl's POV

Black-Haired Girl:  "So?  What was he like?"

Red-Haired Girl:  "He was very down to Remnant for someone as strong as he is.  I'm surprised."

A man with silver comes over to the both of them.

Man:  "You two did very well."

Red-Haired Girl:  "Then let us go!"

Man:  "I'm sorry girly, but I'm afraid I can't do that.  I'm under very strict orders from my boss to keep you safe.  Don't want the kitty cat to get out of his cage."

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