Chatper 8: Greeting an Army

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Beacon, Ozpin's Office
Ozpin's POV

Glynda:  "Well, he sure likes to take his work with him."

Ozpin:  "Yes, running an academy and military makes him a very busy man, but it is an eyesore.  I've heard you've begun dating Mr. Rose."  She's taken aback by this.  "Don't worry, I don't mind.  He is the Red Dragon Emperor after all, but I doubt that's why you fell for him."

Glynda:  "He's so kind and has the strength and drive to protect those around him.  He always pushes himself to become stronger.  There's even been a few times he's collapsed from training and I've carried him back to his dorm, especially recently."

Ozpin:  "Of course.  The power he holds is a large burden."  Ozpin gets a notification.  "Come in."

In walks a well dressed middle aged man.

???:  "Ozpin!  It's been far too long!  And Glynda, looking lovely as ever."

Glynda:  "I'll be outside."  she says as she scowls at him.

Ozpin:  "General James Ironwood.  It's good to see you old friend, but what are you doing here?  Headmasters generally don't travel with their students... or bring their fleet."

Ironwood:  "I came for the festival!  Since you were hosting it this time around, I thought it would be an opportunity to catch up."

Ozpin:  "With your army?"

Ironwood:  "Look, Im just being cautious."

Ozpin:  "Theres a difference between being cautious and preparing for war.  It isn't wise to let people think you're doing the latter."

Ironwood:  "Perhaps you're right.  I'm sorry old friend.  I came to briefly visit and I must be going for now.  Before I do though, let me ask you.  Do you think your children could win this war?"  He says as he leaves.

Ozpin:  "I pray they never have to.  Y/N, I may end up relying on you in the days to come.  Please become stronger, for the sake of the world."

Beacon Library

Team RWBY's playing a board game called "Remnant:  The Game", where the objective is to play as one of the kingdoms and conquer Remnant.  Nora's asleep, Ren and Pyrrha are reading, Jaune's reading a comic book, and you're observing the game.

Y/N:  "I'll take that" you say as you take Jaune's comic away and hand him a textbook.  "Remember bro, you need to study."

Jaune:  "Yeah yeah, I know.  You're already working me like a mule during training."

Y/N:  "Remember what we talked about?"  That shut Jaune up.  "Good, now get to studying."

Ruby:  "Yang!  I use my Atlesian Air Fleet!  And since Mantle is part of Atlas, my repair time is only one turn!"

Yang:  "I attack with my Giant Nevermore!  If I roll a 7 or higher, half of your fleet is destroyed."

Ruby:  "Ha!  But if you roll a 6 or lower, it turns  on your own fleet!"

Yang:  "That's just a risk I'm willing to take."

Weiss:  "I have... no idea what's going on here."

Yang:  "Easy Weiss, you're Vacuo, meaning Vacuo based cards get a bonus."  Yang then proceeds to tell Weiss how she can win.

Weiss:  "Ahahahahaha!  I shall be the one to conquer Remnant, and there's nothing you can do to-"

Yang:  "Trap card."

Weiss:  "What?"

Yang:  "Basically all of your forces are destroyed."

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