Chapter 56: It Begins

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Inside the Boosted Gear

This is it. The night that Haven's going to be attacked. It's a half hour before Lionheart told Qrow to meet him at the school. How's tonight going to play out? Will you be able to protect everyone? What if Loke overpowers you again? What if-

Weiss: "Y/N, your face is getting crinkly again. You okay?"

You're currently in the Boosted Gear, looking around at your surroundings. The previously white background has turned a mixture of white and black, with the black slowly encroaching the white by the second. Only a few of the previous possessors of the Boosted Gear are still people, most of them being a collection of shapeless black beings.

Svartur: "Y/N, don't worry about it. You're going to do fine." he reassures you.

Y/N: "What if I lose control of my power?" You answer him. "I'm the only shot we have at killing Loke, but what if I can't? Everyone's dead if I fail!"

Ddraig: "While it's true that it's getting worse..." You look at the blackness that's covering the entire right side of your chest/back, part of the left side, and the upper part of your right arm. "You mustn't submit. You're the only hope, so use that as your drive."

Y/N: "Can I do this?"

Weiss: "Y/N!"


You're snapped out of the Boosted Gear by Weiss, who's shaking you back into reality. Her face says that she's worried about you, so it's time to lay her fears to rest.

Y/N: "Yes, Ice Princess?" you lovingly call her.

Weiss: "Oh shut it, dummy. You weren't answering me, so I thought something was wrong." She calms down. "You're deep in thought that we might not succeed, aren't you?"

Y/N: "..."

Weiss: "I thought so. Come here."

She sits on her legs and pulls your head down on her lap. Despite her cold appearance due the paleness of her skin and her somewhat cold demeanor, she's warm, just as she's always been.

Y/N: "Weiss, what are you-"

Weiss: "Shush. You're getting to experience my lap right now. Look, even if you fail, I'll still be here for you. I'm not the only one. All of us care about you and we'll all still be here for you. As long as you remember that, you'll never truly fail. You only fail when you quit trying."

Y/N: "Yeah, but Weiss, there's a chance I-"

You cut yourself off. Most of them don't know about what's at stake with you. The only ones who do are Qrow, Raven, and Neo, and you don't want to worry them.

Weiss: "When I was trapped in my room, you know what I did? I pulled a 'Y/N'."

Y/N: "I don't understand. A me?"

Weiss: "What I mean is that I didn't give up. I kept on with my training and I eventually was able to escape and make my way here. No matter how many times I wasn't able to do it, I never stopped trying and I eventually succeeded. We might not another chance with Haven, but as long as you're here, nothing's lost. You're our dragon, after all."

Y/N: "...thanks, Weiss. I needed to hear that. I have a lot of people depending on me, so I can't afford to let them down. Even if the Gods themselves stand in my way, I'm going to put up a fight." you declare with renewed conviction.

Weiss: "Good."

She bends down and kisses you on the lips. You know she's doing her best to make you feel better and honestly, it's working, if only a little.

With Every Step Forward (Neglected/Abused Boosted Gear Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now