Chapter 51: Decisions to Make

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The Day after your 'Night' with Ruby
After Morning Training and Lunch

Ozpin and Qrow had requested that you help train the others for the upcoming battle. Two weeks isn't a lot of time, but a little bit of training can make or break a fight, so you decided to do all you can. Out of everyone, Jaune is definitely the most improved. It looks like Dad's been teaching him a few things during the time right after the Fall of Beacon and that he's been doing his best to catch up with you. Everyone is stronger than they used to be, including yourself.

Y/N: "We can win..." you say to yourself.

Summer: "Y/N?" she says from the doorway. "Qrow and Ozpin have called a meeting. They said our return kind of derailed everything they were going to talk about last night."

Y/N: "Alright, I'll tell the others."

Summer: "And Y/N..." she says with a red face.

For some reason, you feel scared.

Y/N: "Y-Yes?"

Summer: "Hmm... nothing!" She goes on her way.

Y/N (thoughts): 'Phew, I thought she was going to say something about me and Ruby.'

Summer: "Oh, one more thing!" She turns back around. "I know that room's soundproof, but don't even try to pretend you didn't have sex with Ruby last night, okay? All of us girls know it happened." You feel the color draining from your face. "Anyway, that's all I wanted to say!"

She goes off with a smile, but you know there's jealousy brewing under there.

Y/N: (thoughts): 'Oh, fuck me.'

Ddraig (mentally): 'I bet they plan on it.'

Svartur (mentally): 'I wouldn't be surprised if there was an orgy by the end of this book. The author's kind of a dick like that.'

Draco: "You're welcome."

Y/N: '*sigh* These girls are gonna break my dick. Anyway, I should probably gather everyone.'

After calling for everyone and funneling them into the living room, you sit down next to Ren and Jaune. After hearing that bit of news from Summer, you feel slightly uncomfortable as the girls all look at you. Ruby especially has a flushed face and you know exactly why.

Qrow: "Alright everybody. There's a few things we didn't get to discuss last night."

One Story of the Maidens, Magic, and Salem Later

Weiss: "So, the Maidens. Magic. Salem. It's all true?"

Qrow: "Uh-huh."

Ozpin: "Miss Xiao Long. Is this more or less what your mother told you?"

Yang doesn't look at him. Instead, the expression on her face is one of distrust.

Weiss: "For the most part."

Qrow: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Since you guys already told me about the Maidens beforehand, the stuff about Salem was the only new information she told me. So far, it's consistent."

Yang: "You forgot something. You forgot to tell everyone what you did to Qrow and my mother."

Ruby: "Huh?"

Jaune: "What is she talking about?"

Qrow: "Oh, great." He rolls his eyes.

Summer giggles a little.

Ozpin: "Hm, that's not a secret I thought she would give up so easily. Your mother must trust you a great deal."

Y/N: "Are you talking about their ability to-"

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