Chapter 48: What We Seek

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An Hour Later

After an hour of physically, mentally, and emotionally torturing both Dusk and Ivo, Neo hands you a bottle. You read the label, are astonished at what you see, and are handed a pair of gloves and a facemask. You go ahead and inject some adrenaline into both of them to keep them awake.

Svartur: "Y/N, be careful. You're starting to slip again."

He's right. You can feel the madness taking over. You had been feeling it the entire time you've been torturing them, nearly succumbing to it a few times.

Y/N: "Guys, I'm begging you. Don't make me do this. Just tell me what I need to know. What's -destroy you- Salem planning at the other Academies!?"

Dusk: "D-Do what?" he says in severe pain.

Y/N: "Well, according to the label on this bottle, it contains lotion made from the Gympie Gympie plant, also known as the 'suicide plant'. Apparently, it causes so much pain that animals will, fittingly, commit suicide should they touch it. According to this note that came with the bottle, it's described as feeling like you're sprayed with hot acid and electrocuted at the same time. Extreme Pain. If you guys don't tell me what I need to know, not only will I spread this on your skin, but I'll make you ingest it as well."

(A/N This plant really exists. There's a story of a guy once accidentally using it as toilet paper and then shooting himself.)

Ivo: "W-W-We'll never! Right Dusk?" He doesn't answer. "Dusk!?"

Y/N: "Looks like I'll have no choice."

You squeeze some of the lotion onto the protective glove, making sure not to get any on yourself. As you're about to apply it to Dusk, his mouth opens.

Dusk: "I can't... If I tell you, Salem will kill me! Loke will kill me!"

Y/N: "You know, a lot of other people didn't want to die either." you say coldly. "Let's just keep this a secret between us, huh? Dusk, tell me."

Dusk: "I..."

Ivo: "Dusk, don't do it!"

Dusk: "Shut up Ivo! I'd rather them kill me than feel something worse than death over and over! Alright, you win. On the last full moon before the semester starts. That's when they plan to attack Haven Academy. Their goal is to take something from there. The White Fang's gonna help them!"

Y/N: "And what is it they'll take?" you say as you hold the bottle over his eye.

Dusk: "I DON'T KNOW! We were never told! Only Loke, Gilda, and Quin know! I swear!"

Y/N: "You know, I believe you." you say as you take the bottle away and take off the gloves carefully.

Ivo: "Grr... traitor! Loke's gonna have your head for this!"

Dusk: "I don't care anymore... Loke can have it for all I care. I've killed for him, been shot and stabbed for him, had my body beaten and tortured by this freak... and for what? So Salem spares his family!? What about my family!? Where was he when MY family was being slaughtered by Grimm!? No. I'm done. Dragon, just kill me already. Send me to my sister."

Y/N: "I..."

Ivo: "Y/N Rose! You have what you came for! Now let us go!"

???: "You know you aren't going to live, right?"

In a split second, you see a dart go into both Dusk and Ivo's necks.

Ivo: "L-Lapis... you bitch...!" he says as he dies.

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