This is your job? (vol. 2/5)

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"Dad, wake up!" you called out, shaking him a little. He sleepily rolled over, falling out of the chair, the phone coming with him. Alarmed, he quickly got back up and fixed the phone, turning to you.

"What? What is it?"

"Look," you whispered, pointing to where the dinosaur used to be. Larry blinked a couple of times, a silence taking over the room. He looked around.

"Cecil?" he called out. "Okay, very funny, Cecil!" He walked over to the empty display. "What is this, like, a David Copperfield thing?" Larry swatted a hand at where the dinosaur used to be, expecting to hit something but his hand sliced through thin air.

"This is weird," you mumbled, walking over to be by his side. Then a faint trickling of water carried through a nearby corridor. It sent gooseflesh rippling across your skin, chilling your body. The eerie thought of we're not alone echoed in your mind.

"Stay close to me, Y/N," your father whispered. You did as he said, staying as close as you could to him, when he began to follow the sound, calling out for Cecil albeit a little more timidly.

You two rounded the corner as something very large moved in the shadows. Larry clicked his flashlight and slowly shined the beam of light into the darkness, suddenly illuminating the colossal creature. Your breathing hitched.

You two couldn't believe your eyes. Larry's grip faltered and he dropped the torch in shock, causing it to turn its head. The T-Rex faced you both and roared, immediately beginning to chase you.

Adrenaline coursing through your veins, you and your father bolted to the front door in an attempt to escape. The door refused to move however, having been locked by the three older gentlemen earlier. "Revolve! Revolve!" Larry shouted, shaking the door fervently but to no avail.

"Would you like me to remind you of the red flags?" you shouted over all the commotion.

"Just don't, Y/N!" Your father raced to the front desk, picking up the phone and kneeling down, motioning for you to come hide with him. Cramped in the tight space, he shifted around in his spot, dialling Cecil.

Larry must've gotten through because he began to speak. "The dinosaur," he whispered into the phone. "The dinosaur's alive!"

"I'm having a little trouble hearing you, friend!" a voice on the other end you assumed to be Cecil replied. "Tequila!"

"The dinosaur's alive!" your father shouted. "What do I do?!—Just tell me what to do!"

"Read the instructions! It explains everything," Cecil calmly stated. Larry picked up the bunch of papers and held them to his ear, mistaking them for the phone. If you hadn't been frightened for your life, you probably would've laughed at his clumsiness.

"Okay, I got 'em!" After he realized his mistake, he quickly switched them back.

"I'll see you tomorrow," you heard Cecil say, the line clicking as he hung up.

"Wait—What?!" Before Larry could get an answer back, the desk was abruptly lifted up and tossed to the side.

"Gimme the instructions!" you shouted, eyes on the prehistoric creature towering above. The papers were shoved into your hands. You read the first step aloud. "Number one: Throw the bone."

"What bone?" your father asked, the T-Rex leaning closer. Suddenly a large bone dropped onto the floor, quickly being nudged toward Larry.

"Fetch?" you asked in amusement. The dinosaur bent down, wagging its long skeletal tail like an excited puppy. "Play fetch?"

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