Back to life (x child!reader ~ vol. 1/3)

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this is my first requested imagine
i hope this was (close to) what you requested! <33
{i can even make a part two if you'd like}
enjoy! :)

~ ~ ~

Your older brother, Brandon—who got annoyed when you said his name wrong—was one of the security guards at the Smithsonian museum. After you got home from school, he surprised you with a trip to check out his job. It was really exciting, but after a while, it just got...boring.

So, naturally, when an interesting man in a suit started a heated argument with your brother, you decided to follow him after he left. You were careful and made your way down the halls and staircases unnoticed. He seemed to be talking to someone on the phone, so that helped in your favor as you were now harder to be heard.

When you came down to another floor filled with boxes and wooden crates, you hid behind the nearest one and watched the man walk around the room. He came to another crate and unlocked it, and huge, rubber tentacles slid out. He hastily shoved them back in and locked it up again, heading into an adjacent room.

Curiouser than ever, you continued to follow him but stopped abruptly when you saw a cluster of armed statues heavily guarding the front of a storage unit. Quickly hiding again, you peered around and saw the suited man looking inside it, trying to reach something.

He finally gave up and checked his watch, turning on the industrial ceiling lights above. He took one of the armed guard's spears and used it to grab the item he wanted, and you watched as he pulled out a golden tablet. As soon as it was in his grasp, it started glowing, and the man quickly protested in desperation.

You stood in awe as all of the statues came to life, and they started shouting things at him in another language. One of them closed and locked the storage unit up, rounding on him like the others were doing and pointing their spears at him.

As the main leader—you deduced—started speaking to him, you snuck behind a closer crate to get a better look at everything unfolding before your eyes.

"Oh, English. English, perhaps."

The suited man stared at him. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I am Kahmunrah, the great king of the great kings...and from the darkest depths of ancient history, I have come back to life!"

"Uh, huh." He nodded.

"Perhaps you did not hear what I just said. I am a centuries-old Egyptian Pharaoh...I was dead, but now I have come back to life!"

"Yeah, no. I heard that. I got that. Welcome back."

The leader furrowed his eyebrows. "Who are you?"

"Larry Daley. Daley Devices? It's up in New York. It's funny, I know your brother, Ahkmenrah."

They began talking back and forth until one thing led to another, and Larry started to lead Kamunrah and his guards to the Cube of Rubik.

You hid further into the shadows and watched as Larry directed them to the other crate where you remembered the rubber, tentacled-thing was.

As soon as it was released, a huge and angry octopus scurried out, and guards were flung into walls and other objects. Kahmunrah was knocked down and his grip on the tablet faltered. It flew into the air and Larry caught it as he slid across the floor. He got up and quickly ran out of the room as fast as he could, Kahmunrah yelling after him.

All of his guards ran after him, and Kahmunrah made his way back to the storage unit to guard it himself. As he was nearing the unit, you hid as to not let him see you, but you backed too far into a nearby crate, kicking it by mistake.

Kahmunrah took notice and quickly rounded on you. "Ah, who are you? Are you a friend of Larry's?" he asked. You stood frozen in fear, unable to answer. He sighed, slightly frustrated. He grabbed your arm and led you out to the storage unit. "Come with me. You could be useful."


You watched as he gathered some other men and began talking to them. "Now, I have lost some men. So, I am in need of some new generals to join me in my little plan of conquering this world. Ivan the Terrible; Napoleon Bonaparte; and young Al Capone."

Kahmunrah grabbed your arm again and brought you to the front with him, showing you to the others. "This is our hostage. If Larry refuses to give us the Tablet of Ahkmenrah again, I shall threaten to harm this child until he does. Then, we keep him from escaping and make him watch as I unleash my evil army from the underworld."

"Seems pretty complicated," Capone remarked.

"Do you want to come up with a better plan? Because go right ahead. But you probably won't think of anything as good as my plans."

While Kahmunrah was busy figuring out the best way to get Larry here, you sat down at a nearby table, half-wishing you'd stayed with your older brother. Capone, Napoleon, and Ivan each pulled up a chair and sat with you, not realizing that they were keeping you company.

You felt a likeness towards them and wondered where it was coming from. Kahmunrah basically said it: these are bad people. But you couldn't help wondering why you enjoyed their company.

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honestly, i might do a part two anyway because it's actually quite interesting to write this prompt haha :P

i hope you enjoyed!
and thanks for reading <33

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