Let's kill it

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a continuation of, Is She Yours?
enjoy! :)

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The quest for Ahk's parents had been put on hold when Jed and Octavius were discovered missing. Dexter was quickly strapped up and sent off to look for them, and now, you and the group were tracking the capuchin via your father's phone.

"Guys, I think we're going to have to cut through Asia," Larry remarked, his eyes darting between his phone and the museum corridors. He turned the corner and headed down the hall, everyone following him.

Following at the back of the pack, you mentally counted everyone and made sure they were all here. Well, everyone who wasn't Jed, Octavius, and Dexter. You spotted Lancelot—who, at that moment, was conversing with Nicky—and he caught your eye, sending a smirk your way.

Suddenly, a small golden creature scurried along in front of your father, blocking the path. "Oh, hey, guy," Larry began, "We're just—We're just passing through."

It made some high-pitched noises and stuck its palms out at him, refusing passage. "It's a Garuda from Tibet," Teddy remarked.

"Garuda," Larry noted. "Okay, hi, Garuda. How're you doing?"

The creature seemingly repeated its name and stretched out his arms. Your father stepped forward, but it flailed its arms around, stubbornly staying in the same spot.

"Alright, buddy, we just gotta get through—we don't have time. Please." Larry made an attempt to pass by, going to the side, but it scurried in front of him. He tried the other side, but it was too fast for him. They went back and forth a few times, then Larry stopped. "You know what? I'm not gonna play this game with you, I gotta get through—really."

The Garuda pointed behind itself and wagged its finger back and forth in admonishment, but reluctantly moved to the side, instilling some sort of caveat, silently telling them to proceed with caution. Now slightly nervous, Larry led everyone past the golden creature and up the steps.

"What's so bad about an empty room?" you asked, looking inside.

"It's not empty," your father remarked, his voice lowering.

A big, metal, snake was coiled up in the middle of the room. Continuing to stare at it, you realized it was adorned with multiple heads, but hadn't realized you were still walking forward.

Larry put an arm in front of you, stopping your movement, and dragged you behind the walls with everyone else. Peering back around the corner, you watched one of the snake heads adjust itself with a small clinking.

"A dragon!" Lancelot whispered, excited.

"No, it's not a dragon," Larry corrected, glancing at the informational plaque. "It's a...Xiangliu (Shang-loo). Mythical snake-demon."

"...Looks like a dragon," Lance remarked. "I say we kill it."

"What? No! It's asleep," you stated, trying to keep your voice down.

"Alright. It's not very sporting to kill it while it's asleep. Let's wake it up and then kill it."

"No, we're going to just quietly walk past it," Larry spoke, slowly walking inside the room.

"Well, that's a horrible plan," Lancelot remarked, begrudgingly following everyone. "...Mine was better."

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before you say anything, yes, i will continue this in another imagine. i'm merely stopping it now to create...suspense lol

thanks for reading <33

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